Sunday, December 28, 2008
Da-da and momba
Wow, it's the last day already!!!! I looked forward to this time for so long and it has gone so quickly. I've made so many memories on this trip. Seeing Uncle Zac taking care of you as we walked through Berkley was awesome. Your Uncle Zac thinks that you are awesome. I really have enjoyed watching him watch you and the smile that you bring to his face. Going to the zoo with you yesterday was fun. I think you enjoyed the train ride most of all.
But tomorrow morning Jadda and I will have to make our way back to Birmingham. And yes, pops! is sad. I miss my little buddy already. It may be that the next time I see you that you'll have a litle brother or sister. I hope I see you before that but you never know.
You are quite the little fella if I do say so myself. I love hearing you make all your animal sounds. And probably the best thing is hearing you call for da-da and momba and watching you interact with them. Da-da and momba are really good parents, aren't they? I know they are because my little buddy is always(nearly always) so happy. I've enjoyed cooking with you on your new stove and cooking eggs for you in the mornings on the real stove. And boy do you have an appetite!!! I've never seen a little boy eat so much and eat such a variety of things.
I'm going to miss you my little buddy but ALWAYS remember....
pops! loves you
Friday, December 26, 2008
California Raisins
Although we are staying with you during the holidays, I thought I'd blog to you anyway. What an awesome Christmas to be able to spend it with you, mommy, daddy and Uncle Zac. It made me remember Christmases when your daddy was little. Your Jadda and I always made a big deal out of Christmas for your daddy and Uncle Zac. I guess what I remember most was the great fun that we had on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. As I write this you are asleep on mommy. Daddy is next to you and mommy watching a movie with Jadda.
Yesterday (Christmas) was really a lot of fun. I really got a kick out of you opening presents. The present you seemed to like the most were the raisins in your stocking. Everything had to stop while you ate your raisins. But later I really enjoyed helping you cook on the "little kid" stove that pops! and Jadda gave you. I must say that you really seemed to like that gift. I especially enjoyed making mashed potatoes with you on your stove this morning.
Then today we got to go with you to the "farm" and feed the cows, goats and sheep. I think that you enjoyed looking at the rabbits the most. Our trip to Berkley was fun but I think that you were still a little tired from yesterday.
The time here has really flown by. We only have two more days and then it is back to Alabama. I can't believe that I'm going to have to leave my little buddy again. Sometimes I just look at you in amazement. Old pops! loves you more than you will ever know. Maybe I can talk mommy and daddy in letting you go home with me. Probably not but it sure is fun to think about. You and pops! would have a great time. At least pops! would. But maybe in a couple of years mommy and daddy will move back to the south and then pops! will be able to really take care of my little buddy. I imagine the day when you'll come to my house to spend the night and we'll stay in trouble with Jadda ALL THE TIME!!! But she'll only pretend to be mad at us. She's the one we have to watch out for. She'll be the one that slips you the forbidden chocolate. She'll be the one that says, "Pops! go to the store and get that boy some junk." So we'll have to be careful and not tell mommy and daddy about us "bending the rules" sometimes. Believe me there were plenty of times that me and your daddy had to "keep some secrets from Jadda." As they say, boys will be boys.
But remember....
pops! loves you
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Apple pie and ice cream
Well, only a few more days and pops! is going to get to see ALL his favorite buddies-all four of you. Jadda and I are very excited about spending a few days on the left coast. POPS! IS COMING TO TOWN!!!!
Last night I got to spend some time with your great grandparents and I had a wonderful time. I must say that they are quite proud of their first great grandson and rightly they should. You are a great little fella. You sure make your pops! swell up with pride when I hear others talking about you. Last night we had BBQ and all the fixins and probably the best homemade apple pie that I have ever eaten. Apple pie and ice cream, what a great treat for me.
And boy did I get some good stories about your mommy from your great grandparents. Your great grandmother used a word to describe your mommy as a little girl that I have heard your mommy and daddy use to describe you-precocious. Hmmm.... I'll share some of those stories with you. Just don't tell mommy that I was the one that spilled "the goods" on her.
Enough for now but remember....
pops! loves you
Monday, December 8, 2008
Practice makes perfect?
Pops! and Jadda will be in California two weeks from TODAY. I can't wait to see my little buddy. Talking to daddy and mommy about what you are doing is great BUT seeing you will be the best. Pops! and Jadda will have some shopping to do when we get there. I want to take you to the toy store and see what my little buddy really likes. SO be thinking about what you want to hit pops! up for when we get there. There is just something about us grandparents that make it hard to say no.
And now, it is official. My little buddy has another little buddy on the way. I guess that will make you my big buddy when that happens. Being a big brother is going to make life a little different. But I have no doubts that you are going to make a great big brother. Daddy and mommy are really going to need your help. Not that they are not capable but you'll probably make a big difference. :) Now that they have had plenty of practice on you and with your help they'll probably do ok.
That's all for now, but...
remember, Pops! loves you.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Pops'! Boo Boo
Pops! finally has a pretty good excuse for being so long in blogging to his little buddy. Pops! had to have surgery this week. I guess you could say that I had to have a boo boo fixed. I had hernia surgery on Wednesday and other than being a little sore I am doing fine.
Jadda and Pops! are really excited about coming out to see you in a few weeks. I guess it will be three weeks from tomorrow. The time is really flying by. Jadda and I will have to some shopping when we get out there. I bet we can find some neat things at that toy store in Berkley.
What is on your short list for Christmas? You'll probably have to get daddy and mommy to help you with that list. Pops!and Jadda have something already figured out but we'll need to know what special toy to put with it. Christmas for kids is all about the toys.
I'll keep counting the days and remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Counting the days
Again, it has been a while since I have blogged and this time I offer no excuses. I do think of you several times EVERYDAY and really miss my little buddy. I understand that you got to spend some time with Oma and Opa last week. I know that had to be a lot of fun and I bet you got a bunch of new stuff. Grandparents are great, aren't they? :)
Pops! is counting down the days until he sees you. I think the number is 32. I can't wait!!!! It'll be a great Christmas for Jadda and myself. We get to have the WHOLE family together and it has been quite a while since that has happened. I bet you've changed so much!!!!
Pops! is going to have to take it a little easy when I'm out there. I'm having some minor surgery next week and the doctor says that I shouldn't have any problem by the time we get to California. He just said not to try and "push" it too much. But, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I can't wait to see some pictures from your time with Oma and OPa. Hint, Hint.
pops! loves you
Saturday, November 8, 2008
2 + 44 = hope
I really been thinking about this blog since the election and I've been rolling around in my mind what I wanted to say to you about this historic event. But last night I got a call from your mommy and daddy that changes a "little bit" what I will write.
Mommy and Daddy found a really clever way of announcing a new event in all of your and our lives. They called and we put you on the speaker phone so that we could hear what "Brendan had learned to do". Daddy asked you what a duck says and you responded appropriately. Then it was what does a sheep say. Then a monkey and so on. Then the big one was what does your little brother or sister say. I was totally surprised. So now Brendan is going to be a big brother. My little buddy, you now are entering into a whole new world which is that of not being the only child. But Pops! has the feeling that his little buddy is going to be a great big brother. Mommy and daddy are going to need your help with the new one. They're pretty good parents but I'm sure that they will need your help. You did a good job helping them the first time around. :)
I bet the second time with your help, they'll do great again. 2 certainly changes things.
But there was another big event this week with the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. I was not a supporter of Barack Obama and neither was I a supporter of MCCain for reasons I have discussed in However, this election was historic and inspiring. Obama's story alone is amazing. The son of a goat farmer from Africa has risen to the highest position of power in the world. A man who has overcome the Achilles heel of the American story-racism. I think now about the futures of both my grandchildren, hoping that this man and his administration can change the course of American politics forever. I'm not talking about conservative or liberal values but am talking about a country where diverging values can come together for the common good of her people. A country where morality and religious values are not legislated from Washington but are "legislated" from her people in their homes, churches and communities. I see a country for my two grandchildren that can be much different than from what Pops! saw as a youngster. A world in which I heard adults around me spewing venom for those of "another background". A world in which I learned that those described by using the "n" word were to be feared. A world in which those so described were considered to be a little less than "human". A world in which until I was in high school that those so described were not allowed to attend schools with us. I see a world in which you and your sibling will wonder how decent people could have EVER thought the way they did. I see a world where the racism that I knew is total foreign to my "little buddies'. Is this world possible? The election of Barack Obama, whether one likes is politics or not, says that this kind of world is possible. I do often think about what your life will be like when I'm no longer around. I pray for a country that is at peace with the world, a country where racial bigotry is a gone, a country where religious bigotry is gone, and a country where bigotry for any reason is gone. I pray for a world where money does not any longer buy power but where ideas are powerful.
Always remember that pops! wants the best for his "little buddies". And 44 suggests that that might just happen-it changes things.
And remember...
pops! loves you.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My Southern Boy
I've really enjoyed the recent posts about my favorite little buddy. It sure sounds like that you are keeping daddy and mommy on their toes. I also talked to Uncle Zac a couple of times and I hear that you guys are becoming quite the buds.
I really enjoyed the foot stomping harmonica playing pics of you. Even though you weren't born in the south, it is obvious that you might take the "boy out of the south but you can't take the south out of the boy." Hopefully, it won't be too long and you'll be back in the area and pops! will make a true southern boy out of you. I'll probably teach you how to spit but don't tell mommy. I sure by then I'll think of some other fun southern things for you to learn.
"Mommy and daddy, I'll play and ya'll dance."
I'll soon start the countdown to seeing you again. Pops! and Jadda are planning to be in California for Christmas this year. It'll be a lot of fun being around you, mommy, daddy and Uncle Zac. This will be the first time in many years that Uncle Zac and your daddy, Pops! and Jadda have been together on Christmas day. I can't wait.
Well, that's all for now but remember...
pops! loves you
Thursday, October 16, 2008
You should have seen the other guy
Pops! is really sorry that it has been so long since I've written to you, but I've really been busy. But that is not really a good excuse-you are my little buddy!!!!
I really do miss my little buddy and love talking to daddy because usually I can hear you in the background really going on about something. Daddy called this morning telling me about you eating three eggs and a bunch of other stuff. Your going to get fat like pops! Your daddy was surprised and impressed.
I just want you to know that there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and wonder what you are doing. Your daddy told me that Uncle Wookie tried his hand at babysitting and that he did a really good job. He's a great guy and I hope you two become great buds.
Daddy also told me about your fight with the concrete driveway- boy, you're beginning to sound more like your daddy everyday. There were times that he was a walking disaster waiting to happen. Get him to tell you some stories. I've got some really good ones to tell you when you get older.
"AW, I can take you with my eyes closed. Just try me."
Anyway, got to get back to work but remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bottle, Burp and a Grin
I know it was trying circumstances for the family but Jadda and I were glad that we were able to see you this past weekend. You don't really understand about funerals and such yet but your mommy really needs some big hugs from her two boys. She was very close to her cousin, so give her some special "Brendan love".
But boy, have you changed. The little buddy that left a few weeks ago isn't really toddling any more but really moving along. And boy can you eat. Three bottles and some regular food in a short three hours and I was wondering were you were putting it all until...Twice in an hour. Jadda got to change one and then you broke pops! in REALLY good with the last one about an hour later. But we did pretty good didn't we. I bet nobody stayed in the bathroom long after that diaper was put in the trash.
And I think your daddy has taught you the burp technique just right. You'd take your bottle, burp and grin. All I knew to say was "good job". You were really good through the whole thing and mommy and daddy deserve a lot of credit.
It was a treat to see you. I can't wait until Christmas. And remember...
pops! loves you
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pops! Market
I talked with your daddy today and kind of got caught up on my little buddy. I heard you in the background really talking. I heard yo say "mooo" for the cow and "arff" for the dog. It really made pops feel good just to hear you.
Daddy said that you had a good check up at the doctor. He said the doctor said that you were doing great. I could have told daddy that!!!! You're perfect!!! I sure do miss you my little buddy.
Pops! has been really busy at work and pops! is even working on starting a business in Birmingham called "Pops! Market". I guess you could say that my little buddy has been my inspiration. I want to have a fresh produce and food market in a local community of Birmingham. In my market I will have a wall dedicated to the pictures of ALL my little buddies, but yours will be at the center. Hopefully all our customers will bring pictures of their kids in to put on the wall. Nothing for sure-still in the thinking stage. But I already have this dream of my little buddy coming to spend time with pops! and Jadda every summer and my little buddy will get up and go to work with pops! at the market. Of course that will be on the weekend because I have my regular job. But I'd love to teach my little buddy "how to sell". At your age, you just smile and say please. If I did that at my age, they'd put me away.
Enough for now. And remember.....
pops! loves you
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday!!!! I can't believe that it has been a year. Jadda commented this morning that the time has really flown by this past year. It usually does that when you get old like me. I sure wish that I could be there for the FIRST birthday party but maybe next year. I hope that you have had a great first birthday.
I really miss you. I think about you all the time and can't wait until I see you at Christmas. Have you seen much of Uncle Wookie. I talk to him some and he REALLY likes California. If I was there with you I'd like California too.
I thought I'd include some pictures from your trip to Birmingham.
"Pops! don't tell daddy but I peed in the water."
"Jadda, pops! says you drive like an old woman. You don't. do you?"
"Yep, she drives like an old woman but I love her anyway."
"Hey Jadda, who is that good lookin' blonde daddy is staring at?"
"Jadda, you have the coolest feet. Pops! feet stink but yours aren't so bad."
"Yo, dis is me and da Godfather. Ya betta watch out."
"C'mon Daddy, I KNOW this thing isn't real. But for you I'll do it."
"Am I cute or what?"
That's all for now. Happy Birthday!!! And remember....
pops! loves you
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Jadda and the Lemon Wafer
"This is good but how about some of that lemon wafer stuff. I won't tell."
"Hey pops!, is it time for our walk yet."
"Pops! please give me some of Jadda's lemon wafer. I won't tell Daddy."
"Jadda, don't look so guilty-it was just a lemon wafer."
" I'm glad I didn't get my rhythm from pops!"
"Hey pops!, catch this."
Hey Jadda, that lemon wafer you weren't supposed to give me was GREAT!!!
I guess that's all for now, but remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Retail Therapy
I guess I seen you for the last time until we see you either at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Your pops! is already missing you. As I think back over the last few weeks, I am amazed at how fast the time has gone for me. It seems like yesterday that I was hurrying home from work to see my little buddy. I was trying to get home before daddy put you to bed. I made it and remember walking in the door and you were in the middle of the floor with daddy and daddy said, "there's pops!" Daddy got you to show pops! how you had started walking. I guess you could call it walking, but it was more like a few straight legged steps and then plop on your bottom, but not now. Now you are climbing up stairs and on to chairs. I can't imagine what it'll be like in 3 or 4 months when I see you again. Also that night you made your dog sound for pops! Now, you can say a few more words and even the name of a certain Presidential candidate that I won't mention less I implicate the guilty but Jadda might be the "guilty" one.
I was also so surprised at the routine that daddy had gotten you into about going to bed. After your bath and a story you are ready for "lights out." And you even got to the point that you were sleeping through the night and that really makes daddy happy. I have watched as you have acquired some strange tastes in food. Pickles, things with garlic and tomatoes. Not that any of those things aren't good but they just don't sound like 11 month old kid food.
Pops! was also impressed with how well behaved his little buddy was when we went out to eat. Now, there may have been a huge mess around your high chair but at least you made the mess in a well behaved manner :). I must say that you are a pretty good kid most of the time. You have your moments when you are tired but other than that you are a GREAT KID. Have I told you lately how much I love you?
And what a morning kid you are. I could set my watch by you most mornings. 6 AM and you are ready to go. I loved slipping into your room or standing right outside the door and watching you and daddy cuddle and play in the mornings. You're a sweet kid most of the time but especially in the morning. And like I've said before, our morning walks are times that I'll always treasure. And those Brendan kisses are awesome.
What can I say Brendan, other than your pops! loves you more than you'll ever know. There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for you. And your Jadda feels the same way. Jadda says that since we won't see you for a while and since we are going to be "home alone" this weekend that we need some "retail therapy". That means we go shopping for our little buddy, so expect a package in the mail next week. And remember....
pops! loves you
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Home Alone 2
Hey B,
Probably by now you and daddy are on your way to Columbus with Oma and Opa. I sure hope that you had fun at the Aquarium. It sure was a LONG ride home for pops! Jadda probably got tired of me saying, "I sure miss my little buddy." And I sure do. But I must say that the last 3 1/2 weeks were some of the best times that I have ever had. I sure do like doing the grandfather thing. You are the best and I do say that totally unbiased (get daddy to explain that word-he's the writer). Your daddy is pretty good also. The second most thing that Jadda and I talked about on the way home was about your daddy. He is a great dad, so take it easy on him.
But thinking about your dad and then having to come home this afternoon reminded me when in 1999 your Jadda and I delivered your daddy to Samford University for his first year in college. I did pretty good until we got home and we suddenly found ourselves "home alone." I remember picking up one of your daddy's tee shirts and the waves of emotions flooded. Well, I didn't quite make it home today before the wave of emotions flooded. I barely made it to the car after kissing you and daddy goodbye. Jadda told me that I should find a place to park and get myself together, but I made it ok. Jadda and I went to Trader Joe's and then the Varsity to eat lunch. I pretty much held it together until we got home to "home alone 2." There were reminders of you everywhere. The fire truck, the pull behind doggy, the police car, horsey and the dragon, the AU bear, and cherrios everywhere. I must admit that I had to go to my room so Jadda wouldn't see me crying AGAIN. But I'm ok now. But I do miss my buddy. And remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A memory maker
Pops! will be home tomorrow from my business trip. Usually Fridays are exciting to me because I get to see Jadda after being away for the week, but the last few weeks have really been different. Fridays mean that I get to see Jadda, my little buddy and your daddy. Well, this is the last week for that but it has been awesome. The weekends have been absolutely full of things to do even if it was just playing with my little buddy. I sure hate to see you leave but I know that it has to happen. I know you don't quite understand it yet but having you here the last three weeks has been an experience that I'll never forget. Just always know that pops! loves you more than you could ever imagine. One day when Jadda and daddy were both gone I slipped into your room and just watched you sleep. As you slept I quitely talked to God about you. God and pops! have had quite a few of those conversations lately.
There are times that I wish that I could make time stand still so you wouldn't have to leave but I realize that that is really selfish of me. Hopefully one day we can be closer together so pops! can experience more of what is going on with my little buddy. (Daddy, how about that for a quilt trip?) In a couple of weeks, you'll be back in California and pops! and Jadda will try to get back to life without Brendan and it won't be easy. But I know that we have all made some memories that will last for a lifetime. Like strolling through the neighborhood and you holding my finger. Like walks every morning that always include picking up a couple of rocks or picking a flower. Like watching you become infatuated with Jadda's feet. Like teaching you where your ears are. Like feeding you a bottle. Like teaching you to eat pickles. Like busting Jadda over feeding you the "forbidden cookie with sugar." Like watching you and daddy in a stalemate over eating "two more bites." Like getting that rare kiss from my little buddy. Pops! could go on and on, but always remember that you have changed at least one persons life-mine. You have taught me the value of just spending time with someone for no other reason than to spend time with them. I'll miss spending time with you. I'll miss you. And remember....
pops! loves you.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Cookie Monster
As I write this, you and daddy have gone to Montgomery to visit mommy. I am really glad that you are getting to see mommy while she is off on duty with the Air Force. You should be really proud of your mommy. I know you don't understand but this has been really tough on mommy. And daddy, too. You have really great parents and it makes pops! really happy. You've done a great job with them. And they have done a really great job with you. You're a great kid.
Jadda and I spent about an hour at Starbucks talking about you. It was really fun talking about all our experiences with you over the last three weeks. I know that you have really made it a fun three weeks for me. I really enjoy our morning walks. This morning was really an experience having you follow me around the house until I got my shoes on to take you outside. I guess we have started a morning tradition when we are together-a morning walk. As we were walking today, I wondered whether that tradition would continue as you get older. I sure hope so. The older you get the bigger the morning adventure will get.
Last night was quite an adventure also. My little buddy can have quite the stubborn streak. It was time to eat but my little buddy wanted a cookie and daddy wanted you to eat "two more bites". Just a little advice, daddy is probably going to win those battles most of the time. And as you get older you'll hate hearing this but what daddy does is for the best. Just eat the "two more bites" and enjoy the cookie. The hardest part for me was when you looked at me and stuck your arms out like you were saying, "pops! save me from the cookie monster". Well my little buddy as much as I love you the "cookie monster" was right. I was really proud of your daddy for standing his ground. He is a really a GOOD DADDY, even if I do say so myself. So go easy on him, ok?
Tomorrow pops! has to go on a business trip so I won't see you until Friday and then on Saturday will have another really fun day. BUT then on Sunday pops! and Jadda will take you and daddy to Atlanta to meet OMA and OPA. I sure hate having to give you up but Oma and Opa need to spend some more time with you. Pops! can't be selfish on this one even though I want to be. But pops! sure dreads saying goodbye to his little buddy. I have really become attached to you. I can't wait until Christmas when we see you again. By then you won't be toddling anymore, it'll be an all out sprint. But I really look forward to spending Christmas with you, mommy, daddy and Uncle Wookie. This will be the first time in a long time that we have all been together on Christmas day.
That's all for now but remember....
pops! loves you.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My Prince
I've been meaning to write since Tuesday but have just been really busy. This weekend with you, daddy and Jadda was great. I am amazed at how quickly you are learning new things. You now know where your ears, nose, tongue and feet are. And thanks to daddy even your pee pee. I bet by the time I get back home your daddy and Jadda will have taught you something new.
I really enjoy our walks in the morning. It really makes me laugh when you wave bye bye to all the people in their cars in the morning and most wave back at you with a big smile on their face. Usually on most mornings we see either a bird or a plane and you are quick to say bird for both of them.
Pops! really enjoyed walking with Jadda as we strolled you around the neighborhood. It really made pops! happy when you stuck out your hand to grap my finger as we strolled around the neighborhood. It made me feel REALLY good.
And then on SUnday when we went to church, I must admit that I enjoyed showing you off to all my friends. They FINALLY got to meet the one and only BRENDAN. One of them said, "So this is this little prince." I really thought about that off the cuff comment and it is really true. You are my little prince. Prince Brendan. And Prince Brendan was quite the flirt with the young ladies that sat behind us in church.
Have you eaten anymore pickles? I guess I can claim teaching you where your ears are AND eating pickles. I can't wait until next summer so that I can teach you to eat green plums!!! All Henson men love green plums. The tradition will continue.
I told Jadda this weekend that I couldn't believe that our time together this summer was nearly over. As much as I enjoy my little buddy I am already dreading you guys leaving. These past couple of weeks have been really great for Jadda and myself and thinking about not seeing you for four months is really tough. It'll make Christmas 2008 a great Christmas. I'll be together with ALL the family this year. Jadda, daddy, mommy, Uncle Wookie and YOU. It'll be great.
I am so glad that you got to see mommy for a little while today. Jadda said that you were sooo excited to see mommy. I think Jadda really enjoyed seeing you with mommy. I wish I could have been there.
Friday, August 8, 2008
To Gavin's House We Go
Fridays are usually a day that I really look forward to because I get to see Jadda after being gone for a few days. However, today I have added incentive because I get to see you and your daddy. It is really great to have you at our house for several days.Saturday we are really going to have a big day. Our plans are to go to Gavin's house to swim. Daddy tells me that you love to play in the pool so I plan to have a really big time with you. We'll probably stay at Gavin's house most of the afternoon and eat dinner with them.
I sure hope that you have a fun day today with Jadda. Your Jadda really loves you. And I know that you love your Jadda. She's the best. Old pops! can't wait to see you this weekend. I bet we might even be able to sneak in some shopping for my little buddy. I think you need some new toys. Remember...
pops! loves you.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The New Abbott and Costello
What a fantastic few days with my little buddy!!!! I am amazed at how much you have changed since I saw you just a few weeks ago. You are walking like a champ. And I love to hear the mouth sounds that you make. That'll probably be my claim to fame as a grandfather, the one who taught B to make mouth sounds. You have taken mouth sounds to a new level. I love to watch you toddle around and making all your sounds at the same time. I really get a belly laugh out of it, and with my big belly that is a dangerous thing.
I think it was Saturday and I watched you and Jadda play for probably 30 minutes. It was really fun to watch you interact with Jadda. She will probably be by far the "COOLEST" grandparent. And she sure loves her Brendan. I've been trying to work a financial agreement with your daddy so that when it comes time to go back to California that you just stay with us. :) I sure have enjoyed being with my little buddy but I can already tell that I am really going to miss you.
How are the horsey and dragon doing today? I bet you have "loved" on them all day. I am so glad that you have liked Jadda's presents so much. She really knows how to get really cool toys!!!! I love the "Abbott and Costello" routine that you and your daddy do with the horse. Daddy really needs to work on his part but you have yours down pat.
I'll be gone a couple of more days but I'll see you Saturday morning. You'll probably be in the bed asleep when I get home Friday night. I'll get up early with you on Saturday and we'll go for a long walk. And remember...
pops! loves you
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Freight train
Just a quick note to let you know that I'll see you tonight. You probably will be asleep when I get in from Columbus. I have to work some tomorrow but we'll get to spend some time together. I understand that you got a little weary of all the carseat action yesterday. But I bet Jadda will help make up for it today. She has the best pots and pans to bang around in the kitchen.
Jadda told me last night that you were doing a great job with the walking thing. I can't wait for you and pops! to get into something. Remember our plan-blame it pops! and let me take the heat. I'm used to it. :) I'm really sorry I didn't have a room cleaned up any better but I didn't think that would be where you slept last night, but that will be ok tonight if you wanted to sleep with pops!, although the snoring might keep you awake. Your daddy used to say that I sounded like a freight train. Anyway, have a great day and don't let Uncle Wookie teach you any bad words. And remember...
pops! loves you
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Pure Joy
I sure hope you are having fun at the beach. I sure enjoyed seeing you last Saturday. I was really excited that Jadda got to see you after three or four months. Just watching you and her walk around in the yard and visiting with the neighbors dogs, Thelma and Louise was worth the trip. I guess you have noticed that when you are with Jadda that you get real calm. I swear I thing she has some "yoga magic" dust that she uses on you. I guess more than anything else it says something about have secure and comfortable you are with your Jadda. She's the best.
It was also sooo much fun watching you play with mommy. She was baking cookies and you would follow her around the kitchen island and she would sneak up on you. And when she did, seeing the smile and laughter coming from you was awesome. The look you had on your face when you "found" mommy was priceless. It's hard to describe other than call it pure joy.
I can't wait to see you in a few days. I really hate that mommy is going to have to be gone off to work but I hope that everything can be worked out so that you can see her on the weekends, at least for a little while.
On an one more thing, that rocking horse that makes all the horse sounds that Oma and Opa bought you is awesome. I think I liked it as much as you did. Why don't you see if you can sneak that in the car when you come to pops! house? Well, that is all for now but remember,
pops! loves you
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Grandparental Needs
What a wonderful day I have had today!!! This afternoon I got a call from your mommy inviting me to meet you, mommy and OMA at Barnes and Noble. Well, pops! was in a management meeting when I got the call, but there was no question in my mind as to what I was going to do. I went back in the meeting and announced that my grandson was in town and I was going to see him. Seeing you made my day. It made my week. And you have changed so much in a few short weeks. I can't believe how much you are walking. Your Oma kept commenting on how confident you were with walking. I'd like to think you were showing off for pops!, so that is what I'm going to tell everyone.
I sure hope you are enjoying your time with Opa and Oma. I saw the pictures of you swimming with mommy and your "same size" cousin. Boy, that really looked like a lot of fun. The pictures of you and your mommy were really great. It really looked like my little buddy was having a great time. I kind of get the feeling that Oma is trying her best to "spoil" you and I think that is great. Grandparents are really good at doing that and we REALLY enjoy doing it. I saw that Oma was buying you some new books. Believe me, you want it - she'll buy it. And that is not being mean, that is helping her fulfill her needs as a grandparent. It works on all grandparents and it is your job to help us fulfill all our grandparental needs. It's you job, and so far you're doing great at it.
I guess that is enough for now. But it was great to see you (and mommy and Oma). And remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Double Trouble
Well, pops! is about to wind down another week in Columbus and away from Jadda. I really look forward to Fridays so much because I get to see Jadda. And in a short few weeks, you'll get to see Jadda. And like I said last time get ready for a really big adventure with Jadda. I'll be in Columbus Tuesday through Friday but you'll have my attention from Friday night until Monday and I can't wait.
Maybe your daddy remembered to tell you that pops! had a birthday Monday (Daddy did you feel the heat of that zinger). Old pops! was 55 years old or young depending on who is looking in the mirror. But my little buddy having you around really makes the age thing really of no importance. Pops! and B, just think of everything that we can get into-that way you can blame it on pops!. They might even start calling us "double trouble". I've already got it figured out. You blame me and then I'll just blame it on being old and forgetful. What a plan!!! When you get to Birmingham we'll have to test the plan and see if anyone catches on to our shenanigans.
I think we can probably get it by your daddy but it is your mommy that worries me. She's pretty sharp you know. Not that daddy isn't, he just forgets things a lot. Oh, by the way my birthday was July 7th. Daddy, that is the right day isn't it? Anyway, remember.....
pops! loves you
Monday, July 7, 2008
I talked with your daddy last night and he told me that you had a great time with Oma and Opa. I am really excited that you had a few days with them. I think that you are probably beginning to realize that grandparents are really fun to have around. Your Jadda and I are already making plans for when you and daddy are with us later this summer. I really hate that mommy is going to have to be gone to work but Jadda and I will do our best to treat you to a good time. I sure hope mommy can arrange to have some time on the weekend to see you. As much as we want to see you, we want mommy to be there also.
I need you to get daddy to let me know what necessities that Jadda and I need to have for you when you get to our house-not just the necessary toys. We sure want to be ready for you when you get here.
I asked your daddy about you last night and he used some really big words to describe you, like precocious. I really don't know what the word precocious means, but I know that when we would go on our walks and I'd talk to you about all sorts of different things, I really knew that you probably understood more that I realized. I know everyone thinks that their grandchild is cuter and smarter than the rest. Well, I don't think-I know that you are the best!!!! I don't know about precocious but I think your the BEST!!! And remember...
pops! loves you.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Always a big adventure
I know it's been several days since I've emailed and I am really sorry. I have really been busy at work and just haven't had time to stop. But today, I made time. I really miss you and hope to see you soon. Unless things change, I'll be seeing you in a couple of weeks. Jadda and I are already getting things in order(that means buying things for you). Jadda bought you something that you are going to really like.
Your daddy tells me that you are beginning to walk more on your own now. I know it is kind of scary to let go and try to make it by walking but it sure will change the way you see and do things once you start walking all the time. You'll be walking by the time pops! sees you later this month. Jadda and pops! can't wait to get you around for a few weeks. You'll love how Jadda makes everything an adventure. I remember when your daddy was little and how Jadda always made a big adventure out of the things they did. She was a great mom and is a great Jadda-she's the best.
I also hear that Opa, Oma and AUntie Kyndal (sp?) are in town. I am sure that you have already had a great time with them. And I'm sure that they are so excited to be with you for a few days. Remember-grandparents are easy. I know that they will have as much fun with you as I did and I can't wait to see the pictures on your blog.
Today, is Jadda day. I'll be leaving work in about an hour but I'll be thinking about you on the way home. Pops! can't wait to see you. And remember...
pops! loves you.
Friday, June 20, 2008
It's Friday
It's Friday and you know what that means. It's Jadda time. Pops! gets to see Jadda after five days. If you can't tell, I really love Jadda. She is definitely one of a kind. I guess that is why I love her so much.
Your daddy and mommy have been keeping me posted on the adventures of B. I hear that you have taken five steps on your own and that is awesome. It won't be long before you learn to stand up on your own and you'll be forever on the go. The next time either pops! or Jadda sees you, you'll be walking for sure.
I also hear that you are now saying momma and dad. Isn't it good that finally mommy and daddy are understanding a little of what you are saying? They'll start understanding you better from now own. I know that it is frustrating to be talking to them and they not understand a word your saying. Daddy knows Spanish and mommy knows French, yet they couldn't understand you. Go figure?
As I've said before, just be patient.
And remember,
pops! loves you
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Hat Trick
I hope my little buddy had a great weekend. You did take care of daddy yesterday, didn't you? I'm sure daddy had a great day on his first daddy's day. My Daddy's day was great. Jadda took me out to eat, your Uncle Wookie called, I got a voicemail from your daddy and a very nice blog that he wrote me. So, it was a great day.
I travelled to Columbus on Sunday night and as is my usual routine I was thinking about my little buddy, along with Jadda, daddy and Uncle Wookie. I was remembering the "Hat Trick" that you pulled on your old pops! We were going out to eat in Berkeley and as we were walking down the street, you decided to drop your hat. Pops! then let you swoop (nice redneck term) and pick it up. We followed this routine until pops! was too tired from swooping and laughing to do it anymore. Your mommy and daddy had to divert your attention by playing the "I'm going to get Brendan game". But buddy, it has been a long time since I have laughed that hard.
Remember the "hat trick" and maybe you can play the trick on Jadda when you get out here this summer. I'll make sure not to let her in on our trick. And remember,
pops! loves you
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Father's Day
Well, I got to see Jadda after about eight days and that was really exciting. She and I have spent the day catching up on our past week. She'd tell me about things that happened at Yogaville and I'd tell her about B stories. She had a great week and I had a great four days with my little buddy. I know one thing for sure, Jadda can't wait to see you.
I got a call from your daddy last night announcing another first for you. You took your first steps alone. That is really exciting and now Oma and Opa will be able to chase you around when they see you at the end of the month. You are about to give everyone a run for their money now!!! You will hear that word no a lot more now-remember what I told you on one of our walks. You'll see what I meant soon.
Now don't forget, tomorrow is a big day for daddy. It's his first Father's Day. There is nothing like that first one. Try to be extra good for your daddy tomorrow. He's made pops! so very proud and pops! can see that you have already made your daddy so very proud. But for sure keep him on his toes tomorrow. And remember,
pops! loves you
Friday, June 13, 2008
Is this heaven?
Well, it's Friday and you know what that means!!! It's Jadda Day. I get to see Jadda after a whole week. We both flew out of Birmingham last Friday, she was fling east and I was flying west to see my best buddy. So, I'm really anxious to see her today.
I just wanted you to know that you gave your old pops! a memory last Sunday that he'll never forget. It happened when we went to the park. I certainly enjoyed the walk to the park(just not the walk back which was straight uphill) and watching your hand dart out of the stroller to touch a bush or flower as we went down the sidewalk. It was really fun to get on a hill and let the stroller go and me run beside it-just kidding mommy. :) But we got to the park and laid out the blanket and watch the other kids for a while. You also played with the grass and a leaf for a long time. Then you played the hat game, you took it off and I put it back on. That went on for a while. Then we "wrastled" for a while until you finally pinned me. I had seen you give mommy and daddy a kiss sometimes when they asked you, so I thought I'd try it. A BAM!!! I got this big and sloppy kiss. And when that happened, I thought I'd gone to heaven. The scene from The Field of Dreams came to mind when Ray asked his father as they were playing catch if this was heaven. That's how old pops! felt. It may not have been heaven but it had to be close. We continued the kiss game for a while. Pops! would kiss you, then you'd kiss Pops!. Man, it made this old man feel sooo good.
That's all for now, but remember...
pops! loves you.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Cucumber Kid
How you been my little buddy? Pops! is still missing you, but am loving the stuff mommy is putting on your blog. I was thinking this morning about my trip out to visit and was remembering our trip to Berkeley on Friday. That was the day that we went to Moop's toy store. And I haven't decided who had the most fun-you, me or your daddy. Right now I think Daddy had the most fun. I picked out my toy for you right away, because you had already told me what you wanted, but daddy looked and looked and looked!!!
I still haven't figured how why we did all that walking. We walked all the way across Berkeley-bought toys and then walked all they way back across Berkeley. And our toy bags were so big that we had to carry you and push the toys in the stroller. I guess we looked like rednecks from Alabama-oops I am from Alabama. I guess your daddy had noticed the extra weight I had put on and took it upon himself to be my personal trainer. But anyway, we then went to this really cool park (after we bought a Berkeley blanket) and hung out in the park and waited on mommy to come for a visit. And the minute you saw your mommy your face lit up. I think it is so cool the way that you get excited when you see your mommy after you have been away from her for a while. There's nothing like a mommy, is there?
Then we went out to eat at PF Changs(my favorite place to eat). I got to have "just you and me time" while mommy and daddy ate dinner. I really enjoyed our talks while we walked around outside the restaurant. And then I saw you do something that I don't think I ever seen a nine month old do-actually chew on a piece on cucumber. You loved that cucumber!!! I wished we had gotten a picture of that cucumber sticking in your mouth. It was so funny and cute.
But believe me when we finally left to head home you were one tired puppy. Man, you can really scream when you are tired and fighting going to sleep. Seems to me that I remember your Uncle Wookie fighting going to sleep. WHen he was little Jadda actually had to put her legs over him and hold his eyelids closed for him to go to sleep.
Got to go my little cucumber kid and remember,
pops! loves you
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"Come on, pops!"
Hey B,
How's my little buddy doing today? Pops! really misses you. My three days with you, mommy and daddy were really a blast. I couldn't believe how much you had grown and developed in the last couple of months. And you are certainly MR. PERSONALITY.
I guess, as I look back on my trip, the first memory that was made was on the ride from the airport. You were asleep when I first got in but you woke up when daddy put you in the car. You just stared at me at first in the car. But shortly after we left the airport, I was looking out the car window and I heard the "raspberry" noise that I had taught you to do. When I looked over at you, you just gave me that full faced grin of yours. I know people will probably think I'm crazy BUT I know it was your way of telling me that you remembered me. It certainly made your pops! feel special.
After that we did all sorts of mouth noises and each time you would imitate the noise. But we didn't make any of those noises that mommy wouldn't approve of, at least not yet. But mommy beware!!!
And when we got to your house, I got down in the floor to play with you and you started crawling toward your room. You'd crawl a little then stop and look at me as if you were saying, "come on pops!" SO I started crawling behind you and every few feet you'd stop and turn around to make sure I was coming. We got to your room and I think you eventually showed me nearly every toy and book in your room. I certainly appreciate you making pops! feel so welcome.
Enough for now, but remember...
pops! loves you
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Who cares about the picture, I want the green plum!!!
Pops! can you tell mommy and daddy that I want to go with you to Birmingham!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Still flying high
Hey B,
Pops! is back in Birmingham but my heart is still in California. My little buddy I had a GREAT time. It was the fastest and best three days I've had in a while. I sure hate that Jadda missed it but like I explained to you on one of our walks, this is something that she had planned for a long time(her trip to "Yogaville"). And you can finally find something good about the Bush Administration, pops! used his tax stimulus package to come see his little buddy. :)
I guess you can say that pops! is still flying high from his trip. I tried to read on the plane but I kept thinking about all the fun that I had, and I think you did too, in California. Later in the week I'll write to you about some of the special memories pops! made.
Make sure you tell mommy and daddy that I enjoyed being with them, too. I used to refer to them as my son and daughter-in-law but now they have a more honored name- B's parents. You've actually done a pretty good job with them. Another three months and they'll probably figured this thing out. REMEMBER-patience is all that it takes.
I love you,
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Brave new world... look out here comes B!!
This will probably be my last blog until I arrive in sunny California. Three days and counting and pops! can't wait to see my little buddy and your mommy and daddy if they happen to be around. ;). I am really getting excited about the trip and my few days with you. I think that the first order of business will be to get you that new toy.
I understand that you have now mastered the art of standing alone. Now, it is only a matter of time until you are walking. You will be amazed at how the "world" changes when you start walking. You'll see things that you can get into that you have never seen before. You'll really keep mommy and daddy on their toes for sure. You'll hear mommy and daddy say things like, "Have you seen Brendan?" If you think they are paranoid about the things you do now, wait until you start walking.
I also hear that we'll go to the petting zoo in Berkley over the weekend. Do you think we ought to let mommy and daddy go? It'll probably be a good thing to let them go, they can get rather pouty, you know. Parents will be parents. You know what they say, "Can't live with them and can't live without them.
See you soon and remember,
pops! loves you
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"Granparents are easy"
Well, I'm counting down the days. Only 7 1/2 days until pops! comes to town. I can't wait and I am so excited. I understand that my man B has really been up to a lot lately. You've already enjoyed your first major league baseball game, although I understand that you were more fascinated with the popcorn machine. Your daddy tells me that he caught you actually climbing your high chair. Now, that sounds like you are becoming a little dareangel ( I just can't use that other word when referring to you). Just be careful. I also understand that you have learned to clap and I saw it on the video. Your daddy called today and let me hear you laughing at something he was doing. You were laughing uncontrollably and it was so funny. It kept a smile on pops! face all day. I also hear that you got to spend Memorial Day with your great grandparents.

Pops! I really like this toy. I need it.
I understand that there is this certain toy that you played with at your friends house that really fascinated you. I know you have figured this out yet, but grandparents are real easy. Pops! will see what he can do about getting you that really special toy when he gets out to California. I sure wouldn't want my grandson NOT to have something that was so important. Some people might think that this is spoiling you. They may be right but that's our business. Just you and me. And that's the way it ought to be. But you already have me wrapped around your little finger. I'll explain that to you when I see you. But be sure you don't let mommy and daddy read this. ;) Sometimes it is better just to keep certain things between us.
pops! loves you.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Play Ball!!!
I've really been busy and haven't been able to email. But my little buddy, in two weeks you and I will be having a grand old time. I can't wait to see you. I hear that you have really learned a lot of new things. I understand that you are getting very close to learning to talk. At least you are trying to repeat sounds that mommy and daddy make. Get daddy to practice pops! with you and maybe by the time I get out there I can finish teaching you to say pops!
I also hear that you have learned to play ball. So you have learned to roll the ball to mommy and daddy!!! Now, that is exciting. I guess by now your daddy has gone out and bought you a glove and a bat. I can't wait to play ball with my little buddy.
I hope to be leaving work soon. I get to see Jadda. Now that is the highlight of my week. I'll see you soon. And remember pops! loves you.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Jadda Jing

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Strawberry fields...
Hey B,

Oh, man look at that-it's huge !!!
The pics of you and daddy playing with the piano were really good. I love piano music and wished I could play it. Maybe as you get older you'll learn to play the piano in addition to learning how to hurdle and run fast. Your daddy already talks about how quick you are and that you are already showing signs of being a future track star. Remember-daddys will be daddys!!! We tend to live our lives through our kids. Get used to it-it's really not that bad. Has your daddy already started to time you with the stop watch? Get ready, it's coming.

The Piano Man... I mean baby
When I talk with your daddy, it is obvious that he is really proud of you and loves you so much. I can see it in his and your mommy's face in the pics. And if you play it just right, you'll have them where you want them, if you already don't. I'll help you out with that when I see you in THREE weeks.
Your daddy asked me what I wanted to do when I come out and really just hanging out with you and them is good enough. I can't wait to see all your new tricks. And maybe you'll learn a few more with me ;0).
When I saw the pic of you eating the strawberry, I thought about taking you to Clanton when you come here this summer. We can go there and pick our own peaches. Then we can go home and peel them, put sugar on them and then pour them on top of vanilla ice cream and you won't believe how good that is. Peaches and ice cream are probably one of my favorite things-especially if they are fresh picked. We we go to Clanton we'll go by where Jadda and pops! used to live. We lived there when your daddy and mommy were at Samford University.

B's Strawberry Face
Well, enough rambling but I really am excited about seeing my little buddy soon.
Remember, pops! loves you,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Uncle Wookie did it !!!!!

Hey B,
I hope you had a great day celebrating mothers day with your mommy. I bet you and daddy really tried to make it a special day for mommy. Jadda hasn't been feeling to good so we have just kind of taken it easy on Mother's day, but I did get Jadda a present for Mother's day. Just remember, you can never go wrong with jewelry for the women in your life-you'll learn that soon enough.
Jadda and I spent yesterday getting Uncle Wookie moved from Auburn. He is now a graduate!!! And he has certainly overcome a lot of obstacles to get this degree. I'm really proud of your Uncle Wookie. He may have taken the hard road but he has done it and I guess you can say that he has "done it his way." And in about two months he will be living just a few miles from you. Uncle Wookie will be your eccentric uncle, something that he probably relishes. He is a really a good guy and you'll probably enjoy being around him-just be careful that he doesn't get you in trouble with mommy and daddy. But I think your daddy has already discussed the rules with him-but Henson guys have always been known to bend the rules a little. But I think Uncle Wookie will do just fine. I really think he is looking forward to getting to know you. Uncle Wookie will be the one who always tries to sneak you the "forbidden junk food" and ruin your dinner.
Pops! is beginning to count down the days until I see you. I think we are down to twenty five days. I can't wait!!!
Remember, pops! loves you and I'll see you soon,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Memories of State...
This time of year really has some fond memories for your old pops! It was this time of year when your daddy was in high school that the state track meet was held. Actually, it was always the first weekend in May. I try to go to some of the state track meets to see if your daddy's state records hold up but this year it was in Gulf Shores and that was too far to go. But old pops! eagerly got up Sunday morning to get the results. Your daddy still holds the 4A state record in the 300m hurdles and his relay teams of the 4x400m and 4x800 meter still stand today. So B, you can see that I am really proud of your daddy and when you can really understand all this you will be also.
One day maybe your daddy will tell you about the year he pulled a boneheaded stunt at his prom the week before state and wound up pulling his hamstring. That story is one that he'll never live down as long as I live. And the story seems to get bigger every year. It has something to do with him trying to do the splits on the dance floor at his prom, or at least that is his story. I really don't want to imagine what the "true" story might be. That is kind of freaky for a dad to think about. But regardless, this time of year hold special memories for old pops!
I sure one day your daddy will look back at certain times of the year that relate to things that hold special memories for him about 'ol B. One of the few benefits of getting older is memories.
And old pops! has some doozies of memories that relate to your daddy. I'll start filling you in on some of them so you have some leverage with your daddy one day.
See you in a month!!!!
I love you,
pops! (the instigator)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Just you and me kid!!!!

I was thinking about you this morning and my trip out to California in a few weeks. The plans have been made and I can't wait. I really look forward to having a few days to catch up on all the new things that you have learned to do and maybe even teach you a new trick or two.
I guess you might be walking by the time that I get there. How is the standing alone thing coming? I know it is kind of scary to do that but when you master the standing alone thing and walking there will even be a newer and bigger world out there. You'll be amazed at how many new things you'll discover ( and get into). You'll hear that no word even more.
I just wanted you to know that I think mommy and daddy are going to let you and me go solo one night-maybe. I think we can handle it, don't you? It'll be just you and me kid. I sure mommy and daddy will be a little nervous living you alone with pops! and that is perfectly normal. I remember when Uncle Wookie and your daddy were little and when Jadda and I would leave them with someone else, we spent our time wondering what they were doing. Usually that separation is worse on the parents than it is on the kid. Sometimes I think growing up is harder on mommy and daddy than it is for the kid. But anyway, I am excited about seeing you. Be good or at least be cute doing whatever you do.
Remember, just you and me kid.
I love you,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pops! is coming to town...
Pops! is coming to town on June 5th. And I can't wait!! Jadda is going on a three week Yoga training and rather than sit at home, I'm going to see my little buddy. I've already cleared it with your mommy and daddy, and they said it was ok. I actually think they're going to let me keep you while they go on a date. You probably don't really want to know what they do on dates- at least not yet. Yuck!!! But I am really excited about spending some time with you. I need to check on your "raspberry" progress. I hear that you are getting quite accomplished at blowing "raspberries".
I've been trying to decide what we can work on next. I'm sure I'll come up with something by the time I get out to your house. From reading your blog I understand that you are getting quite good at the crawling thing and playing hide and seek. I also understand that you are getting quite accomplished at pushing the envelope on doing the "no things". I think I remember telling you that there would come a time that you would think that no was your middle name. I think that time has arrived.
Your daddy was really good at the "no thing" when he was your age. He really responded to his new middle name-he didn't like it at all. So he got very creative in trying to get around the "no" situations, as Jadda says, just ask your Uncle Wookie. Maybe when I get out to your house I'll tell you some of those stories about your daddy. But my little buddy, try not to push the envelope to far. The no's are really for your on good, and boy will you learn to hate that phrase in the future-"for your own good." Maybe we should write a book called, "Parents, they say the darndest things." And knowing your mommy and daddy, we'd be rich. I mean just think about the names they have for you. Like Goobity, Goopy, Goober-nut and Stinky Cheese Butt. Maybe I need you to tell me what they call me besides pops!
See you soon and remember, pops! loves you!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My little AU tiger
How is my little buddy doing? Your pops! misses you so much. Getting to see you for three weekends in a row really spoiled me. I can't wait to see you again later this summer. From reading your blog, it seems that you are learning new things everyday. And I understand that you have really taken to solid food. All that means is that you are growing up fast. It seems like yesterday when your daddy was a baby just like you. People say it all the time but it is true-"it seems like yesterday".

"Pops!, they made me put it on."
I really enjoyed the pics from the blog. I really understand why you were crying with that Georgia Bulldog crap on, I'd be crying also. We're going to have to talk to your Aunt Kendal about the PROPER attire for a Henson boy, and it ain't the red and black but the ORANGE and BLUE. This summer will have to start working on your "War Eagle" yell. It is obvious that you are a true Auburn Tiger with that smile on your face.

"Whew, I feel better now."
I remember taking your daddy to Auburn football games. His favorite player was Lionel "the train" James. I guess though I'll have to give in to your dad when it comes to basketball and let you be a "Carolina Tarhell". He maybe orange and blue during the fall but he is all Carolina Blue in basketball season. As for me, I'm a Duke Blue Devil during basketball season. So as you can see already, your daddy isn't correct on everything. But your pops! is the one to follow, AU on football and a Cameron Crazy in basketball. I guess I better stop before your daddy bans me.
I sure love you.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
B's Birmingham Buddy
It has been a few days since I have written to you and thought I'd just catch you up on what is going on in pops! world. One thing for sure is that pops! world had sure gotten used to having B around or at least knowing I'd see you soon. I sure do miss you, mommy and daddy. Tell mommy that the kitchen will never be the same :).
It was really strange getting up on Sunday morning with the three of you around. Jadda and I both were just kind of dragging around Sunday and a little down without B being around. We made it to church and the first people we saw were Sam and his parents. Sam resisted coming to me at first but then just gave me this cute little look and gave be a big hug. Jadda said something about me still having your essence on me and that Sam recognized it. Then Sam went to Jadda and gave her a big hug. I finally figured out what was going on. The Sunday before you spent time with Sam in the nursery and you must have told him that me and Jadda were going to be missing you and that Sam needed to help you out. Well, he did. I still missed you but little Sam helped. So you really owe him one.
I hope that you got the present that Jadda and I sent you. We went to get Gavin something for his birthday and just couldn't resist getting you something. I hope that you like it. I think you'll look really good in it.
There is not a lot going on here. You are in my thoughts often. I love you.
I thought you might like a picture of Sam, since he helped you out so much.

Hi, B. It's me-Sam!!!
I love you,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Daddy's little boy

The three weeks are finally over. You are probably glad, so that you can get back to your house, your space and your toys. For pops! it is sad. I got to see you three weekends in a row. What a treat for your old pops!. I know mommy and daddy were glad to be going home. I'm sure it has been a tough three weeks for them.
I was kind of glad that you were asleep when you left. It was hard enough kissing you bye when you were asleep. I had tried to make myself not cry when you left but I just couldn't help it. I really do miss you so much. I'm glad we got to take a walk this morning by ourselves. I really enjoyed talking to you-telling you about all sorts of things. But remember, you can't tell mommy and daddy about everything we talked about. :0). But more than anything else, I enjoyed just getting to hold you.
It was really awesome to see how much you changed in only a week. When you left our house last weekend you weren't crawling, but this weekend you were crawling. You were so funny. You would crawl fine until you got excited then you would revert back to the low crawl-pull yourself along mode. I guess by the next time I see you-you'll be walking. Jadda and I decided that we would get our house "B proofed" before you come this summer.
And boy, do you love your Jadda or what? It was really fun seeing you get so attached to Jadda. You really made your Jadda happy. She just beamed when she would hold you. It reminded me when your daddy was your age. He loved your Jadda, too. Except he didn't call her Jadda. He called her mom. I know this is probably confusing but you'll understand it later. When your daddy was your age, he liked for Jadda to hold him and he liked to play with Jadda's pots and pans just like you do. You do look like your mommy but you remind me so much of your daddy. I guess that is what being a pops! is all about. I get to enjoy you and I get to go back in my memory and enjoy your daddy all over again. Just like you are your daddy's little boy, your daddy will always be my little boy. Some things never change.
Remember my little buddy,
pops! loves you,