Hey B,
Probably by now you and daddy are on your way to Columbus with Oma and Opa. I sure hope that you had fun at the Aquarium. It sure was a LONG ride home for pops! Jadda probably got tired of me saying, "I sure miss my little buddy." And I sure do. But I must say that the last 3 1/2 weeks were some of the best times that I have ever had. I sure do like doing the grandfather thing. You are the best and I do say that totally unbiased (get daddy to explain that word-he's the writer). Your daddy is pretty good also. The second most thing that Jadda and I talked about on the way home was about your daddy. He is a great dad, so take it easy on him.
But thinking about your dad and then having to come home this afternoon reminded me when in 1999 your Jadda and I delivered your daddy to Samford University for his first year in college. I did pretty good until we got home and we suddenly found ourselves "home alone." I remember picking up one of your daddy's tee shirts and the waves of emotions flooded. Well, I didn't quite make it home today before the wave of emotions flooded. I barely made it to the car after kissing you and daddy goodbye. Jadda told me that I should find a place to park and get myself together, but I made it ok. Jadda and I went to Trader Joe's and then the Varsity to eat lunch. I pretty much held it together until we got home to "home alone 2." There were reminders of you everywhere. The fire truck, the pull behind doggy, the police car, horsey and the dragon, the AU bear, and cherrios everywhere. I must admit that I had to go to my room so Jadda wouldn't see me crying AGAIN. But I'm ok now. But I do miss my buddy. And remember....
pops! loves you
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