Monday, June 2, 2008

A Brave new world... look out here comes B!!

Hey B,

This will probably be my last blog until I arrive in sunny California. Three days and counting and pops! can't wait to see my little buddy and your mommy and daddy if they happen to be around. ;). I am really getting excited about the trip and my few days with you. I think that the first order of business will be to get you that new toy.

I understand that you have now mastered the art of standing alone. Now, it is only a matter of time until you are walking. You will be amazed at how the "world" changes when you start walking. You'll see things that you can get into that you have never seen before. You'll really keep mommy and daddy on their toes for sure. You'll hear mommy and daddy say things like, "Have you seen Brendan?" If you think they are paranoid about the things you do now, wait until you start walking.

I also hear that we'll go to the petting zoo in Berkley over the weekend. Do you think we ought to let mommy and daddy go? It'll probably be a good thing to let them go, they can get rather pouty, you know. Parents will be parents. You know what they say, "Can't live with them and can't live without them.

See you soon and remember,

pops! loves you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous trip, and give that adorable grandbaby a kiss and hug from his Jadda.