Hey B,
The three weeks are finally over. You are probably glad, so that you can get back to your house, your space and your toys. For pops! it is sad. I got to see you three weekends in a row. What a treat for your old pops!. I know mommy and daddy were glad to be going home. I'm sure it has been a tough three weeks for them.
I was kind of glad that you were asleep when you left. It was hard enough kissing you bye when you were asleep. I had tried to make myself not cry when you left but I just couldn't help it. I really do miss you so much. I'm glad we got to take a walk this morning by ourselves. I really enjoyed talking to you-telling you about all sorts of things. But remember, you can't tell mommy and daddy about everything we talked about. :0). But more than anything else, I enjoyed just getting to hold you.
It was really awesome to see how much you changed in only a week. When you left our house last weekend you weren't crawling, but this weekend you were crawling. You were so funny. You would crawl fine until you got excited then you would revert back to the low crawl-pull yourself along mode. I guess by the next time I see you-you'll be walking. Jadda and I decided that we would get our house "B proofed" before you come this summer.
And boy, do you love your Jadda or what? It was really fun seeing you get so attached to Jadda. You really made your Jadda happy. She just beamed when she would hold you. It reminded me when your daddy was your age. He loved your Jadda, too. Except he didn't call her Jadda. He called her mom. I know this is probably confusing but you'll understand it later. When your daddy was your age, he liked for Jadda to hold him and he liked to play with Jadda's pots and pans just like you do. You do look like your mommy but you remind me so much of your daddy. I guess that is what being a pops! is all about. I get to enjoy you and I get to go back in my memory and enjoy your daddy all over again. Just like you are your daddy's little boy, your daddy will always be my little boy. Some things never change.
Remember my little buddy,
pops! loves you,
The three weeks are finally over. You are probably glad, so that you can get back to your house, your space and your toys. For pops! it is sad. I got to see you three weekends in a row. What a treat for your old pops!. I know mommy and daddy were glad to be going home. I'm sure it has been a tough three weeks for them.
I was kind of glad that you were asleep when you left. It was hard enough kissing you bye when you were asleep. I had tried to make myself not cry when you left but I just couldn't help it. I really do miss you so much. I'm glad we got to take a walk this morning by ourselves. I really enjoyed talking to you-telling you about all sorts of things. But remember, you can't tell mommy and daddy about everything we talked about. :0). But more than anything else, I enjoyed just getting to hold you.
It was really awesome to see how much you changed in only a week. When you left our house last weekend you weren't crawling, but this weekend you were crawling. You were so funny. You would crawl fine until you got excited then you would revert back to the low crawl-pull yourself along mode. I guess by the next time I see you-you'll be walking. Jadda and I decided that we would get our house "B proofed" before you come this summer.
And boy, do you love your Jadda or what? It was really fun seeing you get so attached to Jadda. You really made your Jadda happy. She just beamed when she would hold you. It reminded me when your daddy was your age. He loved your Jadda, too. Except he didn't call her Jadda. He called her mom. I know this is probably confusing but you'll understand it later. When your daddy was your age, he liked for Jadda to hold him and he liked to play with Jadda's pots and pans just like you do. You do look like your mommy but you remind me so much of your daddy. I guess that is what being a pops! is all about. I get to enjoy you and I get to go back in my memory and enjoy your daddy all over again. Just like you are your daddy's little boy, your daddy will always be my little boy. Some things never change.
Remember my little buddy,
pops! loves you,
Glad to be home, true. But last weekend was a lot of fun for us, too. Soon, though, you will have more of us than you can handle!
I can't wait to see if it is too much to handle. B I can handle, it is you that worries me :).
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