Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pops! Market

Hey B,

I talked with your daddy today and kind of got caught up on my little buddy. I heard you in the background really talking. I heard yo say "mooo" for the cow and "arff" for the dog. It really made pops feel good just to hear you.

Daddy said that you had a good check up at the doctor. He said the doctor said that you were doing great. I could have told daddy that!!!! You're perfect!!! I sure do miss you my little buddy.
Pops! has been really busy at work and pops! is even working on starting a business in Birmingham called "Pops! Market". I guess you could say that my little buddy has been my inspiration. I want to have a fresh produce and food market in a local community of Birmingham. In my market I will have a wall dedicated to the pictures of ALL my little buddies, but yours will be at the center. Hopefully all our customers will bring pictures of their kids in to put on the wall. Nothing for sure-still in the thinking stage. But I already have this dream of my little buddy coming to spend time with pops! and Jadda every summer and my little buddy will get up and go to work with pops! at the market. Of course that will be on the weekend because I have my regular job. But I'd love to teach my little buddy "how to sell". At your age, you just smile and say please. If I did that at my age, they'd put me away.

Enough for now. And remember.....

pops! loves you

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