Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"W"-It has new meaning!!!!!

Hey B and W,

Wow, what great news!!!! I wrote a post this morning that I took off the blog (for other reasons) and said I thought you were going to have a baby brother. W(not to be confused with any other "W") is going to have a great brother. I can't wait to see you two together. Two boys!!!!!

And W, this is my first post to you. I can't wait to see my newest little buddy. Just imagining holding you is awesome. Imagining what you will be like is so cool. I thought after your brother was born that I would never have that feeling again, but I was so wrong. I can't wait to meet you. Pops! and Jadda are so excited about our newest addition.

And B, be especially good for mommy and daddy. And remember,

pops! loves you BOTH.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

Hey B,

It's your daddy's birthday. You probably don't appreciate it so much yet but one day you will. The older you get the less important they become but yet become more significant. Be really good to your daddy on his special day.

As you get older I'll share some really good stories about your daddy that you'll love. He was really some character growing up. He, along with your Uncle Zac, provided pops! and Jadda with some really special memories.

I'm really proud of your daddy. He's a special guy. He's also a great dad. And, of course, he is a great son whom I love dearly Give daddy a big hug from pops! And remember...

pops! loves you