Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A week from tomorrow pop! and Jadda will be in California to see my two best buddies. I can't wait and Jadda feels the same. We plan on having a great time with you two guys. Dendie you and I will get to play some golf in the backyard and hopefully we'll celebrate birthday with a bunch of presents. And little Will, we'll get to meet in person for the first time. It's too early for you and I to break any rules yet but just ask Dendie what is in store when you get a little older. But we have to be sure to keep all this between me, you and Dendie-our little secrets. I know it will be Dendie's birthday but there will be some presents in store for you also.
I'll see my two buds in a week and remember...
pop loves you
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Growing pains
How's my little buddy doing? Daddy, you know that big person that acts so goofy, says that you are doing great. I wouldn't have expected any less. I try to look at the pictures your daddy posts everyday. I talk with you everyday, too. I can't wait to meet you in person.
I also understand that Dendie is becoming quite the big brother. He is really a special little boy also. Now when I come to visit I'll have to partners "in crime". Most of what we do is very innocent but we just have to be careful about letting momba and daddy know about it. Dendie especially likes it when...I guess I should be careful in case they are reading this. Your Jadda keeps saying that I am going to get us banned as grandparents, but the way I see it is that what we keep between us is our little secret.
See if you can talk momba and daddy into posting more pictures...I know you are finding it hard for them to understand you but think about your brother. At least now he has the partially trained. You want have to go through as many growing pains with them as Dendie did. But for now just remember...
pop loves you...just ask Dendie
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A New Little Buddy
Well, you are FINALLY here. Your daddy, who you just met, called me about an hour ago. I am so excited to be awakened from a not so deep sleep. Your daddy's voice was just like it was when he called announcing your brother's arrival. A soft nearly serene voice. I could hear the joy and happiness in his voice. I'm glad your here my little buddy.
You'll get to meet your brother, Brendan, soon and he is a great boy. He's my little buddy also. I have wondered how I would feel when you finally got here and I feel GREAT. I can't wait to meet you in person. As I sit here I am already imagining what you look like. I sure wish I could see you.
Your Jadda is away at a Yoga thing. I sent here an email announcing your arrival. She is the BEST. Jadda and I will be out in September to see you and celebrate big brother and Uncle Zac's birthday. But until then remember...
pop loves you
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Potty Thing
Just a quick note to my favorite little buddy. I am eagerly awaiting young Will just like you are. I was hoping maybe that he would make a grand entrance on my birthday but it looks like Will has plans of his own. It is probably best-he won't have to share his day with anyone else-it'll be his special day.
Daddy says that you and Opa have been playing with your golf clubs. I can't wait to get out there and hit a few with you. Don't learn any bad habits from Daddy or Opa. I here that they are both pretty dangerous.
I also understand that my little buddy is getting quite good with the "potty thing". And when little Will gets here you can help teach him about the "potty thing". What a great big brother Will is going to have.
I gotta go but tell momba that she canhave the baby now and remember...
pop loves you
Monday, June 29, 2009
You want it-You got it
No baby will yet? I guess you'll just have to be patient like the rest of us. But I bet you've had a great time with Aunt Kendal. I also bet if you play up to her just right some of the little tricks will work on her also. Aunts and Uncles are a lot like momba's and daddy's. You just have to know how to work them. You see with grandparents you don't have to know how to work us-we are just easy. You want it-you got it. That is the way it works and the way it should be.
Yesterday, pop got to be a part of a baby dedication at my church. We had an Italian feast right in the main sanctuary and then I led a prayer of dedication for a new little friend of mine named Zane Crockett, he is Gavin's little brother. And I must say that I thought of my little buddy and the one to come during the festivities. I miss you my buddy and remember...
pop loves you
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Baby time is near
The time is getting very close. My little buddy, you'll get to meet your little brother very soon. I remember when your Uncle Zac met your daddy for the first time. The first thing Zac said was,"he's got ears". I don't know what Uncle Zac expected but for some reason he didn't think that your daddy would come into the world with ears. I guess Uncle Zac believed in evolution as a kid. :) And my new little buddy, Will, you are going to get to meet your big brother Brendan. And let me tell you something, he is a great kid. And he's going to be a great big brother. Will, your going to get to see Momba and daddy soon. They are great parents!!! ANd you'll get to meet AUnt Kendal and Oma and Opa. I must admit that I'm a little envious of them. :) But Jadda and pop! will be out to see you when you are a couple of months old. I can't wait. Now I'll have two little buddies. Double the fun!!!
And Will be sure to listen real close to big brother Brendan. He has already learned a lot of pop's! secrets. He can tell you about all our "adventures" in going to the park, going for walks and walking into town. But you must remember-this is just between us boys. We sort of keep Momba and daddy in the dark on a few things. I can't wait to see you. ANd Brendan I love talking with you on the phone. When pop! gets out there we're going to have a few golf lessons. I'll have you beating daddy by the time your six, right probably five 'cause he ... oops sorry daddy.
pop! loves you BOTH
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My future golfing buddy
I talked with you and daddy today and that was really cool. Up to now it has pretty much been me and daddy on the phone and maybe I'd hear you in the background but now it is very different.
Daddy was telling me about you watching GOLF!!! So now maybe I have a budding golf star on my hands. Daddy said that when you see them hitting the golf ball on Tv that you say, "hit it a long way" or something like that and when you heard him say that I could hear you yelling in the background, "hit a long way". I guess pop needs to buy you your first set of golf clubs (plastic of course).
And daddy got you to say, "I love pop", and boy did my heart melt. I love you too and can't wait to see you in the fall after little Will gets here. Your little brother will be here soon and that means you'll get to see Opa, Oma and Kendal.
Daddy and I had to cut our conversation short because we couldn't hear each other, you were talking so much that we finally gave up on talking. I see that you took my blog on the power of words to heart. Keep it up little buddy and remember...
pop loves you
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
You gotta out think them
I've been talking with your daddy and he tells me that you are talking non stop now. And that it is not just words but sentences. I guess you are learning quickly the power of words. And not just the power of words but how you say them. You probably need pop for a lesson how to use the words for your greatest benefit. Daddy and momba probably don't want you to know these secrets but here goes.
1. It is not just what you sat but how you say it. Like when you get time out you got to learn that "sorry" goes a long way but when you can say it the cutest way you know how then time outs go away quicker. A "sorry" with a sob will work wonders but don't use this one too often or they'll catch on to you. Maybe even add a "please" to the "sorry". You'll know it is working when they turn their backs after you say it. They are trying for you NOT to see them laugh.
2. Speaking of please- it has so much power on parents. When you want that forbidden treat, try saying "cookie-please". They can't resist. WHen you want to go outside and daddy seems too busy, "outside-please", and out you'll go.
3. Now to the fine art of using words. Saying the same word over and over and over will often get you what you want. Most times they'll give in just so you want say the word again. There is a danger here. If you use it and it doesn't seem to work give up and try later. If not you may get time out but if you do get a time out remember, sorry-please with a cute little whimper or snubbing cry. Now real tears with a sorry please will really work but that takes a lot of skill and practice.
4. The skill of using a new word or sentence. You've already got these new words in your mind but next time you have something you want or want to do something special like go to the park, use the new word or sentence and then after daddy and momba make a big deal out of the new word or sentence, then you say "park-please". You've got to learn that words can get them in the agreeing mood.
5. Right now these little tricks can work wonders but as your vocabulary (words) get larger you'll have to resort to using parental mind games. The key is to know that they are trying to use mind games on you. Then you just reverse it on them. Like when daddy uses the "pirate" word to get you to drink your milk. Go ahead and give in and drink the pirate milk and then ask for the "pirate cookie-please". You've got to learn to think on step ahead of them.
Remember words are power and...
pop loves you!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A late night surprise
It has been a while since pop! has blogged to my favorite buddy. Pop! has been busy and travelling. Pop! and Jadda went to Chicago for a few days. It was business for me but we got to turn it into a mini vacation. But just so you'll know, even on vacation Jadda and I talked about you all the time. We thought how much fun it would have been to have you along on the trip. We decide that we'd start saving our money so we could take you (and maybe Will) on a trip with us sometime soon.
Will time is just around the corner. I understand that you are now sleeping in the "big boy" bed. How neat is that? Now anytime you wake up you can go in and surprise daddy and momba. Make sure you do it at like 3 in the morning. Just sneak up to the bed real quite like and then just let out a big scream. They'll really appreciate you for that. :0) Parents love nothing better than to be woken up from a deep pleasant sleep by their screaming and darling son. Try it-they'll be really surprised. Just don't tell them I told you about it, that would spoil their fun.
I sure miss you. I look at the pictures from my last visit all the time. We sure did a lot of different things. The park, the zoo, walking all over Berkley, playing in the garden, riding in the wagon, riding on the bike(or "peen"), trying to get daddy to chill out about his thesis, and so many other things.
I also loved the pictures of you on your trip to Pensacola. It sure looks like you had a grand time with Oma, Opa, Uncle Brandon, and Auntie Kendal. The beach was probably really fun. I understand that all the ladies fell in love with my little buddy-that's so easy to do.
That's all for now but remember...
pop! loves you
Monday, May 4, 2009
Play in the dirt
I just talked with your daddy and he told me that you and mommy were heading back to California today. I hope you and momba had a great time. I hear from your daddy that you really liked all the girls. That's my boy but there again what girl in their right mind could resist such a "looker" as my buddy.
I was thinking today about my time with you a couple of weeks ago. I was thinking about the day that we went to the park. Boy did we have a great time or what? You played your little heart out. I think that we spent most of the day playing in the sand, or at least you did. I spent most of the time just watching as you played with your backhoe. I think you could spend hours just playing in the dirt or the sand. I do remember as we were playing by the big tree and you were digging in the dirt with your backhoe and you found a penny. You held it up with a big grin on your face and said, "Money".
I also remember you taking me by the finger and taking me toward the basketball court and saying "bakitball" as you point to the ball on the court. Just remember that when you think "bakitball" you should always think "Duke Blue". I understand that when you went with your daddy to the park later that when you got to the basketball goal you looked up and said, "pop."
When I finally decided that it was time to go you didn't really cry but you did plead, "Pop!...park." But by the time we got a block down the street you were sound asleep. I can't wait until we can go back to the park. I had a blast.
That's all for now but always remember....
pop! loves you
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Swingin' at the zoo
Well, it's be a week since pop! had to get on a peen(plane) and go back to Birmingham. It sure was good to see Jadda and Uncle Zac but I sure do miss my little buddy. Although, you sure are growing up fast.
I was thinking today as I was travelling about our day at the zoo. It sure was a lot of fun. And we even got to have mommy with us on this trip, although she did have to study. I really enjoyed watching you have so much fun and tell pop what you wanted to see next. I can tell that you've been to the zoo a lot because you know where everything is.
" Boy pop! this Redman is really good. Can I spit at the zoo?
I remember when we tried to sneak up on mommy at the zoo but she heard us coming. We went down to play in the big field but it was so funny that you would look back to make sure that mommy was still there. You sure do love that mommy of yours.
"Pop! is momba still up there?" Yep, were cool now."
But coming back to see mommy was always fun. At least the smile on your face says that it was.

"Look momba, I can fly."
Always remember, pops! loves you!!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Butterfly Kisses

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Think Duke Blue
Old Pops! is beginning to count down the days until I get to see you again. I'm about nine days away. I am going to get to spend a lot of time with you while daddy works on the thesis. If we have good weather, you and I will spend one day at the zoo. Just think all the candy, hot dogs and cokes that you want. :) I really think that it will be ok with mommy and daddy. Hopefully one day we will spend all day in Berkley, maybe we will go to the farmers market.
Daddy tells me that you are saying a lot of new words. I plan to teach you a few while I am out there, but they'll all be good ones. I think it is time that you learn "War Eagle", "Go Auburn", and "Boo Bama". These are probably the three most important phrases that you'll ever learn. Although these are football phrases, but when it comes to basketball you'll be a "Dukie". You'll have to learn the real blue is the Blue Devils, not the Tarheels. That Carolina baby blue is just plain gross. Daddy will try to tell you otherwise but remember he is also the one that says the o word all the time. Trust the guy who always lets you do all the fun stuff- it's Duke all the way.
"Pops! I'm trying NOT to let anyone see me in a Carolina blue shirt."
I'll see my little buddy soon and always remember...
pops! loves you.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Double Trouble
It's has been a while since I have blogged but you have been on my mind a lot. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about my little buddy. I have talked with your daddy several times and he tells me that you have really began to say a lot of new words. Have you figured out any new names for daddy and mommy? You will probably soon but just be careful when you say them to their face!!! You'll hurt their feelings and get in trouble. I'm sure your daddy has some names for me that I've never heard, have you heard any of them?
I'll let you in on a little secret. Pops! is probably going to see you soon. You and pops! will probably see a lot of each other for about four days while daddy gets caught up on his thesis. The thesis is that thing he keeps doing on his computer every chance he gets.
Yesterday, I took Daisy out for a walk and she and I had a great time playing keep away with a stick and I thought about how much fun it would have been with my little buddy around more often. You need to talk daddy and mommy into moving back closer to pops! and Jadda. I miss you so much. I feel that I am getting behind in my grand parental rights to spoil my little buddy. We would both find ourselves in "time out" quite often. But with the fun we would have it would be worth it. They would call us "double trouble" for sure.
Gotta go but remember,
pops! loves you
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jadda
Today is a really important day. It is St. Patrick's Day but more importantly it is your Jadda's birthday. She is one of a kind and a very good one at that. She is really special to your pops! and she is going to be very special to my little buddy. Your Jadda thinks that you are a real special kid and you are. Just remember your Jadda on her birthday. Remind daddy to call Jadda. He's getting old you know, so he might forget.
I sure have missed you the last few days. Pops! got spoiled being with you for a week. I hope that soon we can be closer together. I miss being able to watch my little buddy grow up.
I guess old pops! will come see you sometimes after little Will is born. Are you ready for that big event? You'll be a great big brother. You can teach Will all our little secrets.
I know this is short but just remember...
Pops! loves you
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Here's Daisy
I sure hope that you enjoy the next few days with your Jadda. Daisy and I really miss her. But Daisy and I also are really looking forward to seeing her and Daisy can't wait to meet her big brother Zac. I've already told her all about Uncle Zac and she can't wait to meet him. I told her that he would be great to play with and that she'd learn to catch the frisbee with her new big brother. I include a picture of Daisy, my little girl.

"I know mom is here somewhere"
I sure miss you and can't wait to see you again. And remember...
pops! loves you
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Cherrios-They're better with water
It sure was great being with you last week. Pops! had a lot of other things that he had to do while he was out there last week but I sure enjoyed my time with you. You are quite the kid. Your daddy and mommy have every reason to be proud of my little buddy.
I really enjoyed the time that Uncle Zac and I spent with you at the Oakland Zoo. It was really amazing to see you and Uncle Zac together. I have (if daddy ever sends them) some great pictures of you riding on Uncle Zac's shoulders. I think we all had a great time. And I also enjoyed taking you to the indoor playground the next day. You went non-stop for over two hours and I loved every minute of it, even when your poured water into your Cherrios snack. I guess you were trying to break pops! in right.
I saw you yesterday. I visited with you and daddy at Oma's and OPa's house but you were asleep the WHOLE time. But that's ok because that gave me some time to visit with your daddy. I hope you have a grand time with Oma and OPa. Check with daddy and see how his golf game went yesterday. I hope he didn't kill anybody.
Just remember my little buddy...
pops! loves you
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
"W"-It has new meaning!!!!!
Wow, what great news!!!! I wrote a post this morning that I took off the blog (for other reasons) and said I thought you were going to have a baby brother. W(not to be confused with any other "W") is going to have a great brother. I can't wait to see you two together. Two boys!!!!!
And W, this is my first post to you. I can't wait to see my newest little buddy. Just imagining holding you is awesome. Imagining what you will be like is so cool. I thought after your brother was born that I would never have that feeling again, but I was so wrong. I can't wait to meet you. Pops! and Jadda are so excited about our newest addition.
And B, be especially good for mommy and daddy. And remember,
pops! loves you BOTH.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Daddy's Birthday
It's your daddy's birthday. You probably don't appreciate it so much yet but one day you will. The older you get the less important they become but yet become more significant. Be really good to your daddy on his special day.
As you get older I'll share some really good stories about your daddy that you'll love. He was really some character growing up. He, along with your Uncle Zac, provided pops! and Jadda with some really special memories.
I'm really proud of your daddy. He's a special guy. He's also a great dad. And, of course, he is a great son whom I love dearly Give daddy a big hug from pops! And remember...
pops! loves you
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Aunt Jan? I don't believe all she tells you...
How is my little buddy doing? I sure am glad that you are finally feeling better. Pops! has decided that you were sick because your system is needing some sugar and JUNK. Next time your with Pops! I think we should sneak off and get you so good old candy, or have we already done that? If we have, please don't tell mommy or daddy. I'm afraid that they might strip me of my pops! credentials.
I also hear that your Aunt Jan has been visiting this week. I've got some really good stories about her but please don't believe ANYTHING she tells you about me. See, she was the BABY of he family and she has a distorted view of what really went on when she was little. SHe'll probably tell you things about how I used to be mean to her but beware of her stories. You know pops! better than that. She'll tell you all this stories about pops! then she'll go out and buy you stuff to try to "win you over". I bet she's already done that, see I told you so!!! Be careful. :)
But, if you press me on the subject...she's really ok. She loves you. I think you are really special because you were born so close to her birthday, but she's so old I'm surprised she remembers her birthday. Enjoy the old girl because she really is a winner.
pops! loves you
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My President-Barack Obama
I hear that you have been sick, along with daddy and mommy. I'm glad that you all are better. I was really sad when I heard you were sick. I hope that you helped daddy and mommy feel better.
B. probably what I say today want make a lot of sense to you for years to come but maybe somehow you'll be able to read this 20 years from now and you'll appreciate it. But today is a very historic day. This country inagurated our 44th President. That within itself is not historic but the fact that he is an African American is. Twenty years from now I hope that this doesn't make sense to you, in a way. I hope that the events of today can forever change the course of this country as it comes to racism. Your pops! grew up in a racist country, specifically a racist south. I still live in an area that racism is still alive and "well". The inaguration of President Obama begins a new "beginning" in our country. I hope that the events of today will lead to a time in this country that no one will be judged by the color of their skin when you are a young man. I hope that when my little buddy is a young man that the idea of a "historic day" as it relates to minorities obtaining to the "mountaintop" of success is hard to imagine, not because it so rarely happens but because it is so commonplace. I hope that your generation sees people make it to the mountaintop because of their character and integrity, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or whatever ....
I was in meetings during the inaguration but before and after I thought of my little buddy. I happen not to agree with all of our new President's politics but he is my President and I want him to be successful. My prayer is that this country my be unified and that a new day has truly dawned in our republic.
My prayer is that today dawns the beginning of an era in which people who disagree politically can unite for the comon good of her people. I pray that today begins an era of true reconciliation between the peoples of this country that have been divided because of the demigods (sp?) that influence this country. I pray that today ends the political shenigans of the religious right and the venom of the liberal left and we become a people who grow and prosper because of our diversity.
I hope when daddy and mommy read this that they file it back somewhere and read it to my little buddy in about 18 years. Old pops! will probably be dead and gone but maybe just maybe you will understand the significance of this day to your pops! and remember....
pops! loves you