Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cherrios-They're better with water

Hey B,

It sure was great being with you last week. Pops! had a lot of other things that he had to do while he was out there last week but I sure enjoyed my time with you. You are quite the kid. Your daddy and mommy have every reason to be proud of my little buddy.

I really enjoyed the time that Uncle Zac and I spent with you at the Oakland Zoo. It was really amazing to see you and Uncle Zac together. I have (if daddy ever sends them) some great pictures of you riding on Uncle Zac's shoulders. I think we all had a great time. And I also enjoyed taking you to the indoor playground the next day. You went non-stop for over two hours and I loved every minute of it, even when your poured water into your Cherrios snack. I guess you were trying to break pops! in right.

I saw you yesterday. I visited with you and daddy at Oma's and OPa's house but you were asleep the WHOLE time. But that's ok because that gave me some time to visit with your daddy. I hope you have a grand time with Oma and OPa. Check with daddy and see how his golf game went yesterday. I hope he didn't kill anybody.

Just remember my little buddy...

pops! loves you

1 comment:

David Henson said...

I came pretty close yesterday. Thankfully, though, we were literally the last ones on the course, so no one was there to be pegged in the head. :)