Saturday, January 31, 2009

Aunt Jan? I don't believe all she tells you...

Hey B,

How is my little buddy doing? I sure am glad that you are finally feeling better. Pops! has decided that you were sick because your system is needing some sugar and JUNK. Next time your with Pops! I think we should sneak off and get you so good old candy, or have we already done that? If we have, please don't tell mommy or daddy. I'm afraid that they might strip me of my pops! credentials.

I also hear that your Aunt Jan has been visiting this week. I've got some really good stories about her but please don't believe ANYTHING she tells you about me. See, she was the BABY of he family and she has a distorted view of what really went on when she was little. SHe'll probably tell you things about how I used to be mean to her but beware of her stories. You know pops! better than that. She'll tell you all this stories about pops! then she'll go out and buy you stuff to try to "win you over". I bet she's already done that, see I told you so!!! Be careful. :)

But, if you press me on the subject...she's really ok. She loves you. I think you are really special because you were born so close to her birthday, but she's so old I'm surprised she remembers her birthday. Enjoy the old girl because she really is a winner.


pops! loves you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have only good things to say about Pops! and Jadda. You are right about one thing : I do love him.... Awesome kid...Awesome family...
BTW---who you calling old ????