Hey B,
I guess I seen you for the last time until we see you either at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Your pops! is already missing you. As I think back over the last few weeks, I am amazed at how fast the time has gone for me. It seems like yesterday that I was hurrying home from work to see my little buddy. I was trying to get home before daddy put you to bed. I made it and remember walking in the door and you were in the middle of the floor with daddy and daddy said, "there's pops!" Daddy got you to show pops! how you had started walking. I guess you could call it walking, but it was more like a few straight legged steps and then plop on your bottom, but not now. Now you are climbing up stairs and on to chairs. I can't imagine what it'll be like in 3 or 4 months when I see you again. Also that night you made your dog sound for pops! Now, you can say a few more words and even the name of a certain Presidential candidate that I won't mention less I implicate the guilty but Jadda might be the "guilty" one.
I was also so surprised at the routine that daddy had gotten you into about going to bed. After your bath and a story you are ready for "lights out." And you even got to the point that you were sleeping through the night and that really makes daddy happy. I have watched as you have acquired some strange tastes in food. Pickles, things with garlic and tomatoes. Not that any of those things aren't good but they just don't sound like 11 month old kid food.
Pops! was also impressed with how well behaved his little buddy was when we went out to eat. Now, there may have been a huge mess around your high chair but at least you made the mess in a well behaved manner :). I must say that you are a pretty good kid most of the time. You have your moments when you are tired but other than that you are a GREAT KID. Have I told you lately how much I love you?
And what a morning kid you are. I could set my watch by you most mornings. 6 AM and you are ready to go. I loved slipping into your room or standing right outside the door and watching you and daddy cuddle and play in the mornings. You're a sweet kid most of the time but especially in the morning. And like I've said before, our morning walks are times that I'll always treasure. And those Brendan kisses are awesome.
What can I say Brendan, other than your pops! loves you more than you'll ever know. There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for you. And your Jadda feels the same way. Jadda says that since we won't see you for a while and since we are going to be "home alone" this weekend that we need some "retail therapy". That means we go shopping for our little buddy, so expect a package in the mail next week. And remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Home Alone 2
Hey B,
Probably by now you and daddy are on your way to Columbus with Oma and Opa. I sure hope that you had fun at the Aquarium. It sure was a LONG ride home for pops! Jadda probably got tired of me saying, "I sure miss my little buddy." And I sure do. But I must say that the last 3 1/2 weeks were some of the best times that I have ever had. I sure do like doing the grandfather thing. You are the best and I do say that totally unbiased (get daddy to explain that word-he's the writer). Your daddy is pretty good also. The second most thing that Jadda and I talked about on the way home was about your daddy. He is a great dad, so take it easy on him.
But thinking about your dad and then having to come home this afternoon reminded me when in 1999 your Jadda and I delivered your daddy to Samford University for his first year in college. I did pretty good until we got home and we suddenly found ourselves "home alone." I remember picking up one of your daddy's tee shirts and the waves of emotions flooded. Well, I didn't quite make it home today before the wave of emotions flooded. I barely made it to the car after kissing you and daddy goodbye. Jadda told me that I should find a place to park and get myself together, but I made it ok. Jadda and I went to Trader Joe's and then the Varsity to eat lunch. I pretty much held it together until we got home to "home alone 2." There were reminders of you everywhere. The fire truck, the pull behind doggy, the police car, horsey and the dragon, the AU bear, and cherrios everywhere. I must admit that I had to go to my room so Jadda wouldn't see me crying AGAIN. But I'm ok now. But I do miss my buddy. And remember....
pops! loves you
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A memory maker
Hey B,
Pops! will be home tomorrow from my business trip. Usually Fridays are exciting to me because I get to see Jadda after being away for the week, but the last few weeks have really been different. Fridays mean that I get to see Jadda, my little buddy and your daddy. Well, this is the last week for that but it has been awesome. The weekends have been absolutely full of things to do even if it was just playing with my little buddy. I sure hate to see you leave but I know that it has to happen. I know you don't quite understand it yet but having you here the last three weeks has been an experience that I'll never forget. Just always know that pops! loves you more than you could ever imagine. One day when Jadda and daddy were both gone I slipped into your room and just watched you sleep. As you slept I quitely talked to God about you. God and pops! have had quite a few of those conversations lately.
There are times that I wish that I could make time stand still so you wouldn't have to leave but I realize that that is really selfish of me. Hopefully one day we can be closer together so pops! can experience more of what is going on with my little buddy. (Daddy, how about that for a quilt trip?) In a couple of weeks, you'll be back in California and pops! and Jadda will try to get back to life without Brendan and it won't be easy. But I know that we have all made some memories that will last for a lifetime. Like strolling through the neighborhood and you holding my finger. Like walks every morning that always include picking up a couple of rocks or picking a flower. Like watching you become infatuated with Jadda's feet. Like teaching you where your ears are. Like feeding you a bottle. Like teaching you to eat pickles. Like busting Jadda over feeding you the "forbidden cookie with sugar." Like watching you and daddy in a stalemate over eating "two more bites." Like getting that rare kiss from my little buddy. Pops! could go on and on, but always remember that you have changed at least one persons life-mine. You have taught me the value of just spending time with someone for no other reason than to spend time with them. I'll miss spending time with you. I'll miss you. And remember....
pops! loves you.
Pops! will be home tomorrow from my business trip. Usually Fridays are exciting to me because I get to see Jadda after being away for the week, but the last few weeks have really been different. Fridays mean that I get to see Jadda, my little buddy and your daddy. Well, this is the last week for that but it has been awesome. The weekends have been absolutely full of things to do even if it was just playing with my little buddy. I sure hate to see you leave but I know that it has to happen. I know you don't quite understand it yet but having you here the last three weeks has been an experience that I'll never forget. Just always know that pops! loves you more than you could ever imagine. One day when Jadda and daddy were both gone I slipped into your room and just watched you sleep. As you slept I quitely talked to God about you. God and pops! have had quite a few of those conversations lately.
There are times that I wish that I could make time stand still so you wouldn't have to leave but I realize that that is really selfish of me. Hopefully one day we can be closer together so pops! can experience more of what is going on with my little buddy. (Daddy, how about that for a quilt trip?) In a couple of weeks, you'll be back in California and pops! and Jadda will try to get back to life without Brendan and it won't be easy. But I know that we have all made some memories that will last for a lifetime. Like strolling through the neighborhood and you holding my finger. Like walks every morning that always include picking up a couple of rocks or picking a flower. Like watching you become infatuated with Jadda's feet. Like teaching you where your ears are. Like feeding you a bottle. Like teaching you to eat pickles. Like busting Jadda over feeding you the "forbidden cookie with sugar." Like watching you and daddy in a stalemate over eating "two more bites." Like getting that rare kiss from my little buddy. Pops! could go on and on, but always remember that you have changed at least one persons life-mine. You have taught me the value of just spending time with someone for no other reason than to spend time with them. I'll miss spending time with you. I'll miss you. And remember....
pops! loves you.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Cookie Monster
Hey B,
As I write this, you and daddy have gone to Montgomery to visit mommy. I am really glad that you are getting to see mommy while she is off on duty with the Air Force. You should be really proud of your mommy. I know you don't understand but this has been really tough on mommy. And daddy, too. You have really great parents and it makes pops! really happy. You've done a great job with them. And they have done a really great job with you. You're a great kid.
Jadda and I spent about an hour at Starbucks talking about you. It was really fun talking about all our experiences with you over the last three weeks. I know that you have really made it a fun three weeks for me. I really enjoy our morning walks. This morning was really an experience having you follow me around the house until I got my shoes on to take you outside. I guess we have started a morning tradition when we are together-a morning walk. As we were walking today, I wondered whether that tradition would continue as you get older. I sure hope so. The older you get the bigger the morning adventure will get.
Last night was quite an adventure also. My little buddy can have quite the stubborn streak. It was time to eat but my little buddy wanted a cookie and daddy wanted you to eat "two more bites". Just a little advice, daddy is probably going to win those battles most of the time. And as you get older you'll hate hearing this but what daddy does is for the best. Just eat the "two more bites" and enjoy the cookie. The hardest part for me was when you looked at me and stuck your arms out like you were saying, "pops! save me from the cookie monster". Well my little buddy as much as I love you the "cookie monster" was right. I was really proud of your daddy for standing his ground. He is a really a GOOD DADDY, even if I do say so myself. So go easy on him, ok?
Tomorrow pops! has to go on a business trip so I won't see you until Friday and then on Saturday will have another really fun day. BUT then on Sunday pops! and Jadda will take you and daddy to Atlanta to meet OMA and OPA. I sure hate having to give you up but Oma and Opa need to spend some more time with you. Pops! can't be selfish on this one even though I want to be. But pops! sure dreads saying goodbye to his little buddy. I have really become attached to you. I can't wait until Christmas when we see you again. By then you won't be toddling anymore, it'll be an all out sprint. But I really look forward to spending Christmas with you, mommy, daddy and Uncle Wookie. This will be the first time in a long time that we have all been together on Christmas day.
That's all for now but remember....
pops! loves you.
As I write this, you and daddy have gone to Montgomery to visit mommy. I am really glad that you are getting to see mommy while she is off on duty with the Air Force. You should be really proud of your mommy. I know you don't understand but this has been really tough on mommy. And daddy, too. You have really great parents and it makes pops! really happy. You've done a great job with them. And they have done a really great job with you. You're a great kid.
Jadda and I spent about an hour at Starbucks talking about you. It was really fun talking about all our experiences with you over the last three weeks. I know that you have really made it a fun three weeks for me. I really enjoy our morning walks. This morning was really an experience having you follow me around the house until I got my shoes on to take you outside. I guess we have started a morning tradition when we are together-a morning walk. As we were walking today, I wondered whether that tradition would continue as you get older. I sure hope so. The older you get the bigger the morning adventure will get.
Last night was quite an adventure also. My little buddy can have quite the stubborn streak. It was time to eat but my little buddy wanted a cookie and daddy wanted you to eat "two more bites". Just a little advice, daddy is probably going to win those battles most of the time. And as you get older you'll hate hearing this but what daddy does is for the best. Just eat the "two more bites" and enjoy the cookie. The hardest part for me was when you looked at me and stuck your arms out like you were saying, "pops! save me from the cookie monster". Well my little buddy as much as I love you the "cookie monster" was right. I was really proud of your daddy for standing his ground. He is a really a GOOD DADDY, even if I do say so myself. So go easy on him, ok?
Tomorrow pops! has to go on a business trip so I won't see you until Friday and then on Saturday will have another really fun day. BUT then on Sunday pops! and Jadda will take you and daddy to Atlanta to meet OMA and OPA. I sure hate having to give you up but Oma and Opa need to spend some more time with you. Pops! can't be selfish on this one even though I want to be. But pops! sure dreads saying goodbye to his little buddy. I have really become attached to you. I can't wait until Christmas when we see you again. By then you won't be toddling anymore, it'll be an all out sprint. But I really look forward to spending Christmas with you, mommy, daddy and Uncle Wookie. This will be the first time in a long time that we have all been together on Christmas day.
That's all for now but remember....
pops! loves you.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My Prince
Hey B,
I've been meaning to write since Tuesday but have just been really busy. This weekend with you, daddy and Jadda was great. I am amazed at how quickly you are learning new things. You now know where your ears, nose, tongue and feet are. And thanks to daddy even your pee pee. I bet by the time I get back home your daddy and Jadda will have taught you something new.
I really enjoy our walks in the morning. It really makes me laugh when you wave bye bye to all the people in their cars in the morning and most wave back at you with a big smile on their face. Usually on most mornings we see either a bird or a plane and you are quick to say bird for both of them.
Pops! really enjoyed walking with Jadda as we strolled you around the neighborhood. It really made pops! happy when you stuck out your hand to grap my finger as we strolled around the neighborhood. It made me feel REALLY good.
And then on SUnday when we went to church, I must admit that I enjoyed showing you off to all my friends. They FINALLY got to meet the one and only BRENDAN. One of them said, "So this is this little prince." I really thought about that off the cuff comment and it is really true. You are my little prince. Prince Brendan. And Prince Brendan was quite the flirt with the young ladies that sat behind us in church.
Have you eaten anymore pickles? I guess I can claim teaching you where your ears are AND eating pickles. I can't wait until next summer so that I can teach you to eat green plums!!! All Henson men love green plums. The tradition will continue.
I told Jadda this weekend that I couldn't believe that our time together this summer was nearly over. As much as I enjoy my little buddy I am already dreading you guys leaving. These past couple of weeks have been really great for Jadda and myself and thinking about not seeing you for four months is really tough. It'll make Christmas 2008 a great Christmas. I'll be together with ALL the family this year. Jadda, daddy, mommy, Uncle Wookie and YOU. It'll be great.
I am so glad that you got to see mommy for a little while today. Jadda said that you were sooo excited to see mommy. I think Jadda really enjoyed seeing you with mommy. I wish I could have been there.
I've been meaning to write since Tuesday but have just been really busy. This weekend with you, daddy and Jadda was great. I am amazed at how quickly you are learning new things. You now know where your ears, nose, tongue and feet are. And thanks to daddy even your pee pee. I bet by the time I get back home your daddy and Jadda will have taught you something new.
I really enjoy our walks in the morning. It really makes me laugh when you wave bye bye to all the people in their cars in the morning and most wave back at you with a big smile on their face. Usually on most mornings we see either a bird or a plane and you are quick to say bird for both of them.
Pops! really enjoyed walking with Jadda as we strolled you around the neighborhood. It really made pops! happy when you stuck out your hand to grap my finger as we strolled around the neighborhood. It made me feel REALLY good.
And then on SUnday when we went to church, I must admit that I enjoyed showing you off to all my friends. They FINALLY got to meet the one and only BRENDAN. One of them said, "So this is this little prince." I really thought about that off the cuff comment and it is really true. You are my little prince. Prince Brendan. And Prince Brendan was quite the flirt with the young ladies that sat behind us in church.
Have you eaten anymore pickles? I guess I can claim teaching you where your ears are AND eating pickles. I can't wait until next summer so that I can teach you to eat green plums!!! All Henson men love green plums. The tradition will continue.
I told Jadda this weekend that I couldn't believe that our time together this summer was nearly over. As much as I enjoy my little buddy I am already dreading you guys leaving. These past couple of weeks have been really great for Jadda and myself and thinking about not seeing you for four months is really tough. It'll make Christmas 2008 a great Christmas. I'll be together with ALL the family this year. Jadda, daddy, mommy, Uncle Wookie and YOU. It'll be great.
I am so glad that you got to see mommy for a little while today. Jadda said that you were sooo excited to see mommy. I think Jadda really enjoyed seeing you with mommy. I wish I could have been there.
Friday, August 8, 2008
To Gavin's House We Go
Hey B,
Fridays are usually a day that I really look forward to because I get to see Jadda after being gone for a few days. However, today I have added incentive because I get to see you and your daddy. It is really great to have you at our house for several days.Saturday we are really going to have a big day. Our plans are to go to Gavin's house to swim. Daddy tells me that you love to play in the pool so I plan to have a really big time with you. We'll probably stay at Gavin's house most of the afternoon and eat dinner with them.
I sure hope that you have a fun day today with Jadda. Your Jadda really loves you. And I know that you love your Jadda. She's the best. Old pops! can't wait to see you this weekend. I bet we might even be able to sneak in some shopping for my little buddy. I think you need some new toys. Remember...
pops! loves you.
Fridays are usually a day that I really look forward to because I get to see Jadda after being gone for a few days. However, today I have added incentive because I get to see you and your daddy. It is really great to have you at our house for several days.Saturday we are really going to have a big day. Our plans are to go to Gavin's house to swim. Daddy tells me that you love to play in the pool so I plan to have a really big time with you. We'll probably stay at Gavin's house most of the afternoon and eat dinner with them.
I sure hope that you have a fun day today with Jadda. Your Jadda really loves you. And I know that you love your Jadda. She's the best. Old pops! can't wait to see you this weekend. I bet we might even be able to sneak in some shopping for my little buddy. I think you need some new toys. Remember...
pops! loves you.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The New Abbott and Costello
Hey B,
What a fantastic few days with my little buddy!!!! I am amazed at how much you have changed since I saw you just a few weeks ago. You are walking like a champ. And I love to hear the mouth sounds that you make. That'll probably be my claim to fame as a grandfather, the one who taught B to make mouth sounds. You have taken mouth sounds to a new level. I love to watch you toddle around and making all your sounds at the same time. I really get a belly laugh out of it, and with my big belly that is a dangerous thing.
I think it was Saturday and I watched you and Jadda play for probably 30 minutes. It was really fun to watch you interact with Jadda. She will probably be by far the "COOLEST" grandparent. And she sure loves her Brendan. I've been trying to work a financial agreement with your daddy so that when it comes time to go back to California that you just stay with us. :) I sure have enjoyed being with my little buddy but I can already tell that I am really going to miss you.
How are the horsey and dragon doing today? I bet you have "loved" on them all day. I am so glad that you have liked Jadda's presents so much. She really knows how to get really cool toys!!!! I love the "Abbott and Costello" routine that you and your daddy do with the horse. Daddy really needs to work on his part but you have yours down pat.
I'll be gone a couple of more days but I'll see you Saturday morning. You'll probably be in the bed asleep when I get home Friday night. I'll get up early with you on Saturday and we'll go for a long walk. And remember...
pops! loves you
What a fantastic few days with my little buddy!!!! I am amazed at how much you have changed since I saw you just a few weeks ago. You are walking like a champ. And I love to hear the mouth sounds that you make. That'll probably be my claim to fame as a grandfather, the one who taught B to make mouth sounds. You have taken mouth sounds to a new level. I love to watch you toddle around and making all your sounds at the same time. I really get a belly laugh out of it, and with my big belly that is a dangerous thing.
I think it was Saturday and I watched you and Jadda play for probably 30 minutes. It was really fun to watch you interact with Jadda. She will probably be by far the "COOLEST" grandparent. And she sure loves her Brendan. I've been trying to work a financial agreement with your daddy so that when it comes time to go back to California that you just stay with us. :) I sure have enjoyed being with my little buddy but I can already tell that I am really going to miss you.
How are the horsey and dragon doing today? I bet you have "loved" on them all day. I am so glad that you have liked Jadda's presents so much. She really knows how to get really cool toys!!!! I love the "Abbott and Costello" routine that you and your daddy do with the horse. Daddy really needs to work on his part but you have yours down pat.
I'll be gone a couple of more days but I'll see you Saturday morning. You'll probably be in the bed asleep when I get home Friday night. I'll get up early with you on Saturday and we'll go for a long walk. And remember...
pops! loves you
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