Hey B,
Pops! is coming to town on June 5th. And I can't wait!! Jadda is going on a three week Yoga training and rather than sit at home, I'm going to see my little buddy. I've already cleared it with your mommy and daddy, and they said it was ok. I actually think they're going to let me keep you while they go on a date. You probably don't really want to know what they do on dates- at least not yet. Yuck!!! But I am really excited about spending some time with you. I need to check on your "raspberry" progress. I hear that you are getting quite accomplished at blowing "raspberries".
I've been trying to decide what we can work on next. I'm sure I'll come up with something by the time I get out to your house. From reading your blog I understand that you are getting quite good at the crawling thing and playing hide and seek. I also understand that you are getting quite accomplished at pushing the envelope on doing the "no things". I think I remember telling you that there would come a time that you would think that no was your middle name. I think that time has arrived.
Your daddy was really good at the "no thing" when he was your age. He really responded to his new middle name-he didn't like it at all. So he got very creative in trying to get around the "no" situations, as Jadda says, just ask your Uncle Wookie. Maybe when I get out to your house I'll tell you some of those stories about your daddy. But my little buddy, try not to push the envelope to far. The no's are really for your on good, and boy will you learn to hate that phrase in the future-"for your own good." Maybe we should write a book called, "Parents, they say the darndest things." And knowing your mommy and daddy, we'd be rich. I mean just think about the names they have for you. Like Goobity, Goopy, Goober-nut and Stinky Cheese Butt. Maybe I need you to tell me what they call me besides pops!
See you soon and remember, pops! loves you!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My little AU tiger
Hey B,
How is my little buddy doing? Your pops! misses you so much. Getting to see you for three weekends in a row really spoiled me. I can't wait to see you again later this summer. From reading your blog, it seems that you are learning new things everyday. And I understand that you have really taken to solid food. All that means is that you are growing up fast. It seems like yesterday when your daddy was a baby just like you. People say it all the time but it is true-"it seems like yesterday".

"Pops!, they made me put it on."
I really enjoyed the pics from the blog. I really understand why you were crying with that Georgia Bulldog crap on, I'd be crying also. We're going to have to talk to your Aunt Kendal about the PROPER attire for a Henson boy, and it ain't the red and black but the ORANGE and BLUE. This summer will have to start working on your "War Eagle" yell. It is obvious that you are a true Auburn Tiger with that smile on your face.

"Whew, I feel better now."
I remember taking your daddy to Auburn football games. His favorite player was Lionel "the train" James. I guess though I'll have to give in to your dad when it comes to basketball and let you be a "Carolina Tarhell". He maybe orange and blue during the fall but he is all Carolina Blue in basketball season. As for me, I'm a Duke Blue Devil during basketball season. So as you can see already, your daddy isn't correct on everything. But your pops! is the one to follow, AU on football and a Cameron Crazy in basketball. I guess I better stop before your daddy bans me.
I sure love you.
How is my little buddy doing? Your pops! misses you so much. Getting to see you for three weekends in a row really spoiled me. I can't wait to see you again later this summer. From reading your blog, it seems that you are learning new things everyday. And I understand that you have really taken to solid food. All that means is that you are growing up fast. It seems like yesterday when your daddy was a baby just like you. People say it all the time but it is true-"it seems like yesterday".

"Pops!, they made me put it on."
I really enjoyed the pics from the blog. I really understand why you were crying with that Georgia Bulldog crap on, I'd be crying also. We're going to have to talk to your Aunt Kendal about the PROPER attire for a Henson boy, and it ain't the red and black but the ORANGE and BLUE. This summer will have to start working on your "War Eagle" yell. It is obvious that you are a true Auburn Tiger with that smile on your face.

"Whew, I feel better now."
I remember taking your daddy to Auburn football games. His favorite player was Lionel "the train" James. I guess though I'll have to give in to your dad when it comes to basketball and let you be a "Carolina Tarhell". He maybe orange and blue during the fall but he is all Carolina Blue in basketball season. As for me, I'm a Duke Blue Devil during basketball season. So as you can see already, your daddy isn't correct on everything. But your pops! is the one to follow, AU on football and a Cameron Crazy in basketball. I guess I better stop before your daddy bans me.
I sure love you.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
B's Birmingham Buddy
Hey B,
It has been a few days since I have written to you and thought I'd just catch you up on what is going on in pops! world. One thing for sure is that pops! world had sure gotten used to having B around or at least knowing I'd see you soon. I sure do miss you, mommy and daddy. Tell mommy that the kitchen will never be the same :).
It was really strange getting up on Sunday morning with the three of you around. Jadda and I both were just kind of dragging around Sunday and a little down without B being around. We made it to church and the first people we saw were Sam and his parents. Sam resisted coming to me at first but then just gave me this cute little look and gave be a big hug. Jadda said something about me still having your essence on me and that Sam recognized it. Then Sam went to Jadda and gave her a big hug. I finally figured out what was going on. The Sunday before you spent time with Sam in the nursery and you must have told him that me and Jadda were going to be missing you and that Sam needed to help you out. Well, he did. I still missed you but little Sam helped. So you really owe him one.
I hope that you got the present that Jadda and I sent you. We went to get Gavin something for his birthday and just couldn't resist getting you something. I hope that you like it. I think you'll look really good in it.
There is not a lot going on here. You are in my thoughts often. I love you.
I thought you might like a picture of Sam, since he helped you out so much.

It has been a few days since I have written to you and thought I'd just catch you up on what is going on in pops! world. One thing for sure is that pops! world had sure gotten used to having B around or at least knowing I'd see you soon. I sure do miss you, mommy and daddy. Tell mommy that the kitchen will never be the same :).
It was really strange getting up on Sunday morning with the three of you around. Jadda and I both were just kind of dragging around Sunday and a little down without B being around. We made it to church and the first people we saw were Sam and his parents. Sam resisted coming to me at first but then just gave me this cute little look and gave be a big hug. Jadda said something about me still having your essence on me and that Sam recognized it. Then Sam went to Jadda and gave her a big hug. I finally figured out what was going on. The Sunday before you spent time with Sam in the nursery and you must have told him that me and Jadda were going to be missing you and that Sam needed to help you out. Well, he did. I still missed you but little Sam helped. So you really owe him one.
I hope that you got the present that Jadda and I sent you. We went to get Gavin something for his birthday and just couldn't resist getting you something. I hope that you like it. I think you'll look really good in it.
There is not a lot going on here. You are in my thoughts often. I love you.
I thought you might like a picture of Sam, since he helped you out so much.

Hi, B. It's me-Sam!!!
I love you,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Daddy's little boy

Hey B,
The three weeks are finally over. You are probably glad, so that you can get back to your house, your space and your toys. For pops! it is sad. I got to see you three weekends in a row. What a treat for your old pops!. I know mommy and daddy were glad to be going home. I'm sure it has been a tough three weeks for them.
I was kind of glad that you were asleep when you left. It was hard enough kissing you bye when you were asleep. I had tried to make myself not cry when you left but I just couldn't help it. I really do miss you so much. I'm glad we got to take a walk this morning by ourselves. I really enjoyed talking to you-telling you about all sorts of things. But remember, you can't tell mommy and daddy about everything we talked about. :0). But more than anything else, I enjoyed just getting to hold you.
It was really awesome to see how much you changed in only a week. When you left our house last weekend you weren't crawling, but this weekend you were crawling. You were so funny. You would crawl fine until you got excited then you would revert back to the low crawl-pull yourself along mode. I guess by the next time I see you-you'll be walking. Jadda and I decided that we would get our house "B proofed" before you come this summer.
And boy, do you love your Jadda or what? It was really fun seeing you get so attached to Jadda. You really made your Jadda happy. She just beamed when she would hold you. It reminded me when your daddy was your age. He loved your Jadda, too. Except he didn't call her Jadda. He called her mom. I know this is probably confusing but you'll understand it later. When your daddy was your age, he liked for Jadda to hold him and he liked to play with Jadda's pots and pans just like you do. You do look like your mommy but you remind me so much of your daddy. I guess that is what being a pops! is all about. I get to enjoy you and I get to go back in my memory and enjoy your daddy all over again. Just like you are your daddy's little boy, your daddy will always be my little boy. Some things never change.
Remember my little buddy,
pops! loves you,
The three weeks are finally over. You are probably glad, so that you can get back to your house, your space and your toys. For pops! it is sad. I got to see you three weekends in a row. What a treat for your old pops!. I know mommy and daddy were glad to be going home. I'm sure it has been a tough three weeks for them.
I was kind of glad that you were asleep when you left. It was hard enough kissing you bye when you were asleep. I had tried to make myself not cry when you left but I just couldn't help it. I really do miss you so much. I'm glad we got to take a walk this morning by ourselves. I really enjoyed talking to you-telling you about all sorts of things. But remember, you can't tell mommy and daddy about everything we talked about. :0). But more than anything else, I enjoyed just getting to hold you.
It was really awesome to see how much you changed in only a week. When you left our house last weekend you weren't crawling, but this weekend you were crawling. You were so funny. You would crawl fine until you got excited then you would revert back to the low crawl-pull yourself along mode. I guess by the next time I see you-you'll be walking. Jadda and I decided that we would get our house "B proofed" before you come this summer.
And boy, do you love your Jadda or what? It was really fun seeing you get so attached to Jadda. You really made your Jadda happy. She just beamed when she would hold you. It reminded me when your daddy was your age. He loved your Jadda, too. Except he didn't call her Jadda. He called her mom. I know this is probably confusing but you'll understand it later. When your daddy was your age, he liked for Jadda to hold him and he liked to play with Jadda's pots and pans just like you do. You do look like your mommy but you remind me so much of your daddy. I guess that is what being a pops! is all about. I get to enjoy you and I get to go back in my memory and enjoy your daddy all over again. Just like you are your daddy's little boy, your daddy will always be my little boy. Some things never change.
Remember my little buddy,
pops! loves you,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I'll never tell !!!!
Hey B,
Boy, I sure have missed you this week. It is funny how I have so quickly gotten used to seeing you on a regular basis. The past few weeks have been a lot of fun for pops! and Jadda. After this weekend we'll have to get used to seeing you in person every few months. But hopefully mommy and daddy will keep your blog posted fairly often and we can get our "Brendan fix" that way.
I really was excited about you meeting a lot of our friends Sunday at church. And I must say that you were really good during church. I am especially glad that you got to meet Gavin, Sam and Andrew. They have heard a lot about you from pops!.
Your daddy thinks that I taught you how to do the raspberry thing with your tongue. And maybe I did. But I'll never tell. I want you to promise that you won't give away our secret. But it is really cute to see you do it. Jadda said that you were doing "the raspberry" in Barnes and Noble yesterday and everyone thought it was really funny. But here is just one thing about the "raspberry"- you can only do it in fun. Because it won't be so funny when you do it when you get mad at mommy or daddy. They won't think it is so cute then.
But for the moment the "Raspberry Award" goes to my little buddy-B. No one does it better or cuter than you, except for maybe...oops, that is our secret.
I'll never tell!!!
I love you,
Boy, I sure have missed you this week. It is funny how I have so quickly gotten used to seeing you on a regular basis. The past few weeks have been a lot of fun for pops! and Jadda. After this weekend we'll have to get used to seeing you in person every few months. But hopefully mommy and daddy will keep your blog posted fairly often and we can get our "Brendan fix" that way.
I really was excited about you meeting a lot of our friends Sunday at church. And I must say that you were really good during church. I am especially glad that you got to meet Gavin, Sam and Andrew. They have heard a lot about you from pops!.
Your daddy thinks that I taught you how to do the raspberry thing with your tongue. And maybe I did. But I'll never tell. I want you to promise that you won't give away our secret. But it is really cute to see you do it. Jadda said that you were doing "the raspberry" in Barnes and Noble yesterday and everyone thought it was really funny. But here is just one thing about the "raspberry"- you can only do it in fun. Because it won't be so funny when you do it when you get mad at mommy or daddy. They won't think it is so cute then.
But for the moment the "Raspberry Award" goes to my little buddy-B. No one does it better or cuter than you, except for maybe...oops, that is our secret.
I'll never tell!!!
I love you,
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I saw it in your eyes.
Hey B,
It was really exciting to see you tonight, even though you slept through most of the evening at Cafe Botegga. We were celebrating your mommy's birthday. I really enjoyed talking with your Uncle Brandon and Aunt Emily, they are really cool people. And your mommy got to meet the famous Chef Frank Stitt. I even think you got your picture made with him.
When you woke up and finally got oriented, your mommy let Jadda hold you and I could see it in your eyes...you recognized your Jadda. And then, I began to play with you and we made eye contact and my heart melted. I could see it in your eyes...you recognized me. People probably think I'm crazy but I know you did. I could see it in your eyes. It made your pops! feel soooo good. I saw it in your eyes and then I got your "I like you smile". Thanks my little buddy!!! You definetely made me feel important tonight.
I really won't get to see you a lot over the next couple of years and probably when I see you this summer or in the fall you may not remember pops! right away but tonight I knew we connected. I could see it in your eyes and it was so cool. That moment, that instant and that look will be something that I will treasure forever.
I know I've said it before but it'll always be true...Pops! loves you. I'll see you tomorrow.
I love you,
It was really exciting to see you tonight, even though you slept through most of the evening at Cafe Botegga. We were celebrating your mommy's birthday. I really enjoyed talking with your Uncle Brandon and Aunt Emily, they are really cool people. And your mommy got to meet the famous Chef Frank Stitt. I even think you got your picture made with him.
When you woke up and finally got oriented, your mommy let Jadda hold you and I could see it in your eyes...you recognized your Jadda. And then, I began to play with you and we made eye contact and my heart melted. I could see it in your eyes...you recognized me. People probably think I'm crazy but I know you did. I could see it in your eyes. It made your pops! feel soooo good. I saw it in your eyes and then I got your "I like you smile". Thanks my little buddy!!! You definetely made me feel important tonight.
I really won't get to see you a lot over the next couple of years and probably when I see you this summer or in the fall you may not remember pops! right away but tonight I knew we connected. I could see it in your eyes and it was so cool. That moment, that instant and that look will be something that I will treasure forever.
I know I've said it before but it'll always be true...Pops! loves you. I'll see you tomorrow.
I love you,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Better off not knowing...
Hey B,
I can hardly believe it, I'm going to get to see you two weekends in a row. How awesome is that?!
I liked the new pics of you on your blog, I can't wait to see the ones from the trip to Jadda's house (no pressure D&A ;)). But seeing you so soon is really great.
I have a new picture of you on my screen saver (maybe one day I'll learn how to post pictures on my blog) and every time I open my computer I smile really big. Everybody who sees it talks about how cute you are, and surprisingly enough no one has said that you look like me. :) I'm trying to find something called a "pack and play" for this weekend. Do you really want to be in that thing? But I guess you really do need it so that you'll have something to sleep in at Jadda's house.
Well, he... Oops, I forgot I can't say those words around you, BUT I did figure how to post your picture, I just can't figure out to get it where I want it in the blog.
Hopefully, Sunday you'll get to go to church with pops! and meets some of my special friends that I told you about. Some of the "big" folks from church would like to meet you also. Everybody has heard alot about you and now they want to meet you. And if you get bored with Pastor Garry's sermon then Jadda and I will fight over who gets to go outside with you and probably both of us will lose to mommy or daddy. Unfortunately, parents do overrule grandparents and that is why sometimes we just have to keep them in the dark about a few things. Sometimes they are just better off not knowing... I wonder if that is what you are thinking in that picture.
I'll see you soon and pops! loves you,
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