Well, I'm counting down the days. Only 7 1/2 days until pops! comes to town. I can't wait and I am so excited. I understand that my man B has really been up to a lot lately. You've already enjoyed your first major league baseball game, although I understand that you were more fascinated with the popcorn machine. Your daddy tells me that he caught you actually climbing your high chair. Now, that sounds like you are becoming a little dareangel ( I just can't use that other word when referring to you). Just be careful. I also understand that you have learned to clap and I saw it on the video. Your daddy called today and let me hear you laughing at something he was doing. You were laughing uncontrollably and it was so funny. It kept a smile on pops! face all day. I also hear that you got to spend Memorial Day with your great grandparents.

Pops! I really like this toy. I need it.
I understand that there is this certain toy that you played with at your friends house that really fascinated you. I know you have figured this out yet, but grandparents are real easy. Pops! will see what he can do about getting you that really special toy when he gets out to California. I sure wouldn't want my grandson NOT to have something that was so important. Some people might think that this is spoiling you. They may be right but that's our business. Just you and me. And that's the way it ought to be. But you already have me wrapped around your little finger. I'll explain that to you when I see you. But be sure you don't let mommy and daddy read this. ;) Sometimes it is better just to keep certain things between us.
pops! loves you.