Friday, March 14, 2008

Paying for your raisin'

I talked with D this morning and he was talking with me while he was changing B's diaper. The problem was that D was having to change B while he was on his(B's) stomach. Seems that B is really intrigued by mobility. D says that he can really move, constantly seeking out something new. I remember a "upwardly mobile" kid about 24 or 25 years ago. We were living in Orlando. We had taken our son Z to a soccer match. Z was just a young kid and we were watching what could be loosely termed as a soccer match. It was more like a swarm of kids all converging on a ball at the same time, but I digress. We looked around and there was D jogging around the track at the soccer field. He was kind of like Forrest Gump, "Run D, Run". This experience was a shadowing of things to come. D discovered track in high school and became a stellar high school athlete who went on to run track in college. Can you tell I'm proud? Hell, yeah!

Z, that budding soccer star, has become an accomplished researcher and academician. Proud again? Damn straight!

What does this have to do with B and his constant activity? I don't know or really care, but I did get to tell a story that makes pops! proud.

D, you're paying for your raisin',


I love you, D.


David Henson said...

Love you, too. Yeah, I always was hoping B would get my speed, but didn't really think about what that would exactly mean. :)

David Henson said...

So, exactly how much does a raisin cost these days?