Friday, January 22, 2010

"Pop! Stuff"

Hey Dendie and Will,

I sure didn't take Pop! very long to break my ONLY New Year's Resolution and that was to blog to you once a week. But I'll try to do better. I posted on Facebook that I was coming to town in February and I can't wait. But I really nearly messed up BIG TIME. I made a comment that Daddy and Momba needed to "beware". Will, I know you don't understand this yet but Dendie can explain the "secret" stuff we do that sometimes it is better not to tell Daddy and Momba, now not bad stuff, just grandparent stuff that we do with our very special grandkids. I think I fixed it when I told Momba that I meant to say "take care" not "beware". Anyway, I believe that we'll still be able to do all that "Pop! stuff".

I hope you guys really like your new place in Texas. From the pics on Facebook it looks like you have a really nice place and I can't wait for you to show me all the new things at your new place. Hopefully Momba and Daddy will let us boys have some time by ourselves to explore the neighbor-I promise I won't get you into trouble-and we'll have a blast doing it.

I miss both of my little buddies and remember,

Pop! loves you

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Hey Dendie and Will,

Well, pop! has made ONE New Years's resolution and that is to blog to my little buddies at least once a week. Hope you are enjoying your temporary stay at Travis while you are waiting for the move to Abilene. I think you are going to love living in Texas- "hook 'em horns." Pop! hasn't done a very good job in blogging the last few months but I hope to do better in 2010.

I do think about both of you EVERYDAY...I wish that I could see you everyday but that is life. I love you both very much and I hope to see you for a WEEK (if momba and daddy can put up with me) in March but until then remember....

pop! loves you